webgird7 r2 VistaCalendar visual day appear

5 replies. Last post: January 14, 2010 11:30 PM by Yudi
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there is a problem with how the day appear in VistaCalendar , the problem is that the day display connected beacuse the name of the day is too long for it .

it should be like this :

ש ו ה ד ג ב א


שבת שישי חמישי רביעי שלישי שני ראשון

but this will not fit

the day appear today :

שבת יום ו יום ה יום ד יום ג יום ב יום א

too long

my ? is there an option to widen the layout the box of the VistaCalendar or hotfix for correcting the day appear


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