problems with ie7 and cpu usage

4 replies. Last post: March 9, 2010 4:25 AM by Glenn Layaar
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i have developed a web part for sharepoint (2007) that uses your webgrid(ver 7).

This kind of project is quite complex and uses sql server 2005 data and xml files.

For this reasons i'm almost unable to provide any relevant code to recreate
my issue.

The issue is quite simple: internet explorer on windows XP hangs up, the browser
freezes and the process cpu usage goes in few seconds to 90/95%.

Leaving ie working, minimized or not, does not change anything. The only way
to stop ie is to kill the process.
The same happens with firefox(latest version).

I also have other pages on my solution and in some of them everything works

Now, i have started tests using different operating systems and different
versions of browser and i tried a lot of cases.

Tested operating systems are
Windows XP
Windows 2003
Windows 2008

Browser versions
IE 7.0 on XP and w2003 (1)
IE 8.0 on 7 and w2008 (2)

Only in (1) i have experienced CPU problems and only for few specific pages.
I'm almost sure that is a javascript problem, using firebug i was able to
isolate a row of an embedded javascript.

The behaviour using the javascript debugger is this:
pause -> i see that line X is in execution
play (5 secs)
pause -> same line as above
play (5 secs)
pause -> always same line as above
and so on.

I will paste at the end of this message the line of script, but for me is quite
useless due to the fact of beeing obfuscated.

The weird is that the pages that hang with ie 7.0, have no problems with ie 8

More infos i can provide are these
- the grid in the hanging page has around 2800 rows
- the grid has 5 columns
- only one grid is present in the page
- grid is paged

Obviously in my development environment everything is ok (2008 server + ie 8) and the only
thing i can do is to use js debugger.

I wrote no code for custom client event handling.

this is the definition of my grid

<%@ Register TagPrefix="webui" Namespace="ISNet.WebUI"  assembly="ISNet.WebUI, Version=3.0.5000.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b1f2a8511635667a"  %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="isnet" Namespace="ISNet"  assembly="ISNet, Version=3.0.5000.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b1f2a8511635667a"  %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="ISWebGrid" Namespace="ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid"  assembly="ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid, Version=7.0.7200.401, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3e60b85fb8502d5e"  %>
<%@ Assembly Name="IntersoftGridProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0bde168d2d73e8b3" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="IntersoftGridProvider" %>

<asp:Panel ID="PnlMain" runat="server">
    <ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="WebGrid1" DefaultStyleMode="Elegant"
        UseDefaultStyle="True" runat="server" DataSourceID="objDs1" >   
        <LayoutSettings AllowAddNew="No" AllowDelete="No" AllowEdit="No" NewRowLostFocusAction="NeverUpdate"
            AutoFitColumns="True" AllowExport="Yes" AutoFilterSuggestion="True" AlwaysShowHelpButton="False"
            PromptBeforeDelete="True" RowLostFocusAction="NeverUpdate" AllowColumnMove="No"
            AllowFilter="Yes" AllowGrouping="Yes" AllowSelectColumns="No" AllowSorting="Yes"
            GroupByBoxVisible="True" RowHeightDefault="-1px" ColumnFooters="No" PagingSize="30" PagingMode="ClassicPaging"
            PagingStyleUI="Slider" PagingExportMode="ExportAllData" RowHeaders="No">
                <TextSettings Language="UseCulture" UseLanguage="it-IT"> <%-- btw, in it-IT i see no page numbers ..... --%>
              <RowHeaderStyle Height="0px">
    <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="objDs1" runat="server" TypeName="MasterDetailWebPart.Presenter.PresenterService, MasterDetailWebPart, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0bde168d2d73e8b3"
        SelectMethod="Select"  />

Columns are dynamically added.

I have no idea if you need more informations, just ask if this is not enough.

Thank you

Matteo Ameglio

----------------- hanging javascript line snippet ----------------------

URL of hanging js:

1 attachment
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