WebGrid RowChecker column not persisting on postback so GetCheckedRows is always empty

4 replies. Last post: June 19, 2011 10:44 PM by Lili Khiung
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Neil TurnerMember


I have a Webgrid with a RowChecker and a button to run an action on the checked rows.

However getCheckedRows always returs empty and on clickikg the button all the checkboxes in the grid are cleared.

I have coopied the code posted on this forum before but it still returns 0. I am using WebGrid 7

This is the op of my grid

    <ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="wgArchive" runat="server" DataSourceID="sdsAppointments">

        <RootTable Caption="Visits" DataKeyField="EntityId">


                <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="CheckBox" IsRowChecker="True" Name="RowChecker">


And this is the code the button runs

        protected void btnArchive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            lbMsg.Text = wgArchive.RootTable.Rows.Length.ToString() + " rows affected ";

            foreach (string keyValue in wgArchive.RootTable.GetCheckedRows())


                lbMsg.Text += keyValue + " ; \n";



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