WebGrid Client Side Refresh Crashes IE8

4 replies. Last post: May 7, 2010 3:17 PM by Glenn Layaar
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Greg DexterMember

I have a web grid inside of a web pane. When a user clicks on a row a Web Dialog box is opened a more information is displayes regarding the item. The user can edit the information. When the Dialog box is closed, in the OnClosed event I call a client side refresh of the Web Grid. It processes for a second or two and then the whole browser is closed with an Unhandled Exception in iexplorer process.

Returns the Site Grid object
function GetGrid(gridName)
    var grid = ISGetObject(gridName);
    return (grid);

Refreshes the grid data and UI
function RefreshGrid(grid)

Load the request editor dialog
function LoadWorkScheduleEditorControl(editType, taskID, jobType)
    if (_jobDialog == null)
        _jobDialog = ISGetObject("DialogTaskEditor");

    var contentUrl = "Windows/Dialogs/" + jobType + "/WorkSchedule.aspx?method=" + editType + "&task=" + taskID;
    _jobDialog.ReuseIFrame = true;
    _jobDialog.ClientSideEvents.OnClosed = TaskEditor_OnClosed;

Event handler for closing request editor dialog
function TaskEditor_OnClosed(id, dialogResult) 
//this is where it fails and closes the browser
    catch (e) 


Any ideas?

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