Retaining Size and Position of the column

6 replies. Last post: February 4, 2010 11:17 PM by Handy Surya
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Madhavan GMember

Hi ,

Our Scenario is we are having two on the LHS and other one in RHS.

LHS will display all workflows.on click of each workflow the details on RHs grid varies along with the column and data.As we want new columns on click of each workflow we are first clearing the roottable columns in the preparedatabinding method and binding the columns.

We want the functionality of retaining Size and Position.The Size is getting retained for the columns after refreshing the existing structure but the position is not retaining.

For example say we are having columns Application,Workflow,Activitydisplayname in the order and after loading the grid we have arranged Workflow to first and Activitydisplayname as 2 and Application as last.So we wnat to retain this changed order when we refresh the structure again.

Please find the sample piece of code in prepareDatabinding method which we are trying wityh no luck.

Please suggest us.




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