Javascript Array prototype issue in version 7.0.7200.400

4 replies. Last post: February 18, 2010 1:56 AM by Glenn Layaar
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Jim SchuebelMember

I am using WebGrid version : 7.0.7200.400, but I still get the prototype error listed in IsRes.txt below and stated as fixed in pid=144 whenever I attempt to do an AcceptAllChanges from a grid using BatchUpdate. The array prototype is contained in a js file included on a masterpage which is used by all our web pages.

Note : The difference in this screen from our others is that it has 3 grids, one of which is from a usercontrol. The screen also has other server controls : inputs, labels, etc. The other screens have only a single grid.

F.Y.I.:  All grids and method server and client are uniquely names by grid ID

Note: This text dump is simalar to the point where the exception occurs when I break on it:

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