How to retrieve data from dropdown combo

1 reply. Last post: November 24, 2010 3:59 AM by Martin Lie
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Dear IS,

I have a case about retrieving data when onchange events occured for a dropdownlist combo in your WebGrid.
This case might be not recommended, but the User want it to be.
I have tried the Unbound way once to solve this,
but since the grid is in Hierarchical mode, we must use ISDataSource,
which is on its inserting/updating process, all data that has been set on grid, must be saved.

This case described as below.

In a grid, there are 4 columns.
Columns A : NewRowEditType/EditType="DropdownList"
Columns B, C, D : Default

When Columns A onchange, system will retrieve data from Master to be set on Columns B and C.
This must be set, because User need to have a default data from Master.
And when it necessary, User is able to change some data that has been retrieved.

Any idea how to handle this?

Regards, Indah Febrianti
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