Display format for WebInput integrated in the WebGrid

1 reply. Last post: September 2, 2009 10:32 PM by Glenn Layaar
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Hi Everyone,

I have a WebInput integrated in Webgrid column, I have set the Display and Edit Format on the WebInput but the Display format don't work only the Edit.

The same code out of webgrid works both for Display and Edit  ?

The code of WebInput insert in the webGrid is in attachment and I'd like to know if I have make a mistake or there is it a bug or it is a wanted behaviour.


<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="WebInputPrice" runat="server" Width="140px">
					<EditFormat Format="c" IsEnabled="True" Type="DynamicNumber">
						<ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="True">
                    <DisplayFormat Format="c" IsEnabled="True" Type="Number">
                        <ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="True">


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