Between and NotBetween filter complains about "Incorrect Between Parameters" too quickly

1 reply. Last post: July 9, 2010 12:36 AM by Andi Santoso
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Mike DearmanMember


When a user selects the Between or NotBetween filter types from the filter context menu, it seems to immediately display an error that "Incorrect Between parameters.\nBetween parameter formats: @Criteria1 and @Criteria2.\ne.g.1 and 10".

The user hasn't been able to enter any information, or to correct the filter value first.  Can this just validate before the filters are completely applied or perhaps before existing editmode in the filter cell.  Users are reporting issues that they think they can't filter for between at all because of this message.

The message is also confusing because for date columns, they don't understand the format they should type in for "between" dates - the message says "e.g. 1 and 10".  Can it look at the column type and say "MM/DD/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY" or something for date columns?

Also, it appears that it is validating that "and" is in the string, but it is case sensitive.  Users should be able to type in "and" or "AND" (all uppercase).  Currently you can't do this.



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