webbutton in a table with WebFlyPostBack

7 replies. Last post: March 10, 2010 10:26 PM by Glenn Layaar
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This sample demonstrates a problem with a webButton in a table and the action of webCallOuts when the target is a WebButton.

Before clicking Execute click Button1 and Button 2 to see that they work and that the webCallOuts are displayed. WebCallOuts for Button1 and Button2 are in Grp1 and the webCallOut for Execute is in Grp2.

Note that if the webCallOut is displayed clicking the button doesn't close the webCallOut. This will be bothersome to users. I suggest that when the target is a WebButton that the WebCallOut close. Otherwise, developers will have to write a script to close it. At least there should be a property to allow this action.

Start over.

Get webCallOut for button1 to display. Now click Execute. Row 1 of the table is hidden. WebCallOut for button1 is now pointing to Button2 since it didn't close. The target is not visible but the WebCallOut is still visible. Not good. Close the webCallOut. Click Button2. Nothing happens. Why?

Click Execute again and Button1 appears but doesn't work.


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