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How do I set the ContentURL of a WebNavBar, for example "", on client side at runtime ? I could not find a method in the documentation on how to do this. SetContentURL("xxxxxxx") does not seem to be supported for this control, although IFrame content mode is available.
Would you have a workaround?
Hello Jean,
You can try the following code to set ContentURL using TargetURL property and Click() method.
function ClickBarItem() { var navPane = ISGetObject("WebNavPane1"); var navBar = navPane.BarItems[0]; var navBarItem = navBar.Items[0]; navBarItem.TargetURL = ""; navBarItem.Click(); }
I refer to VariousClientSideObjectSamples.aspx in WebNavPane. I simply modify one of the NavBarItem and set TargetURL manually from client-side and trigger the item by using Click().
Hope this helps. Thank you.
Hello Martin,
Thank you for your reply. But this is not what I am looking for. I am looking for the ContentURL, not the TargetURL. In other words, I need the webpage to appear inside the iframe of the NavBar, not in a separate window.
In Pane Manager, I would use WebPaneName.SetContentURL("") to insert your web page in the iframe of a WebPane. But I am using Navigation Pane here and the SetContentURL method is not available; so how do I insert a web page in the iframe of a NavBar at client side, when the bar is using IFrame ContentMode?
It seems that we don't have SetContentURL() method in WebNavPane. But I do have a workaround for this issue. You are still able to set the content url using the following code:
function DoSetURL() { var navPane = ISGetObject("WebNavPane1"); var navBarItem = navPane.BarItems.GetNamedItem("navbar_Item1") var navBarItemFrame = navBarItem.Parent.FrameObj.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0] navBarItemFrame.src = ""; }
What I did is to obtain the object which WebNavPane is using to set its ContentURL for the navbar item. In this case, I need to get the iFrame of NavBarItem. Therefore, this is how I get into that object. Then, set the src property to implement content url.
You just need to change childNodes[0] to childNodes[1] for the 2nd childNodes from the end.
Therefore, for 2nd bar:
var navBarItemFrame = navBarItem.Parent.FrameObj.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0];
For the 3rd bar:
var navBarItemFrame = navBarItem.Parent.FrameObj.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[2].childNodes[0];
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