WebFlyPostbackManager showing loading progress does not unblok page after OnError client side event

2 replies. Last post: October 18, 2010 4:47 AM by Vincenzo Angeloni
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Hi all,

I defined a WebFlyPostBackManager as shown below:

<ISWebDesktop:WebFlyPostBackManager ID="PostBackManager" runat="server"
ServiceType="WebForm" AutoEventWireup="true" WebServiceResponseFormat="Json"
BlockPageUIOnBusy="True" EnableUIMode="False" TimeoutInterval="10"
AutoLoadMetaData="False" LoaderHostControlID="LoadingTemplate"
<FlyPostBackSettings PostInputControls="True" PostViewState="True">
<ClientSideEvents OnError="WebFlyPostBackManager_OnError"
OnResponseSuccess="WebFlyPostBackManager_OnResponseSuccess" />

As you can see I set to true the property BlockPageUIOnBusy="True" so the page is blocked while the method execution is running. My problem is that if the remote method goes in error and the callback WebFlyPostBackManager_OnError is executed the page is not unblocked.

Can someone help me to understand how to unblock the page in case of error?

In the attached zip file there is an example of the problem.

Thanks in advance


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