Problem with latest installation 6/16

22 replies. Last post: September 7, 2011 8:49 PM by Yudi
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T LusbyMember

I'm having a problems with the latest upgrade from 6/16/2011.  I have a page that has a webgrid with webcombos. 

I have the WebGrid 7.0.7200.430 and the WebCombo 5.0.7200.2 from the current release, and I run the page I get the following error on in the webcombo.js (5072002[dynamic] "if (v6df36 == null) v6df36 = vf4820.XmlDt.documentElement;"  We also get Script running slow issue.  When I opened your WebCombo.js a javascript utility I received the same error of script running slow.

When I rollback WebGrid to version 7.0.7200.429 and WebCombo 4 4.0.7200.219, the page works fine. 

What would cause these errors? 



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