Buttons of the webtoolbar in the UpdatePanel can not be clicked once more

5 replies. Last post: August 23, 2011 11:03 PM by Riendy Setiadi
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xu guochunMember

Hi ,

   When I use the webtoolbar , I find a problem . If I put the webtoolbar in the UpdatePanel , then I find the buttons of the webtoolbar can only be clicked once . There will be no response when I click the buttons of the webtoolbar once again .

 <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server">
      <div id="Div_WTB">
          <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
              <ISWebDesktop:WebToolBar ID="WTB1" runat="server" DockingArea="Top" DockingRow="1" Caption="WebToolBar1" CommandSize="120px" Height="26px" ImageSize="16, 16" NewDockingArea="NotSet" NewDockingRow="0" NewIsFloat="Default" IntegratedTo="None">
               <CommandClientSideEvents OnClick="WTB1_AddPage_OnClick" />
               <ISWebDesktop:ToolCommand Category="WebToolBar1" DisplayMode="TextAndImage" Image="~/Images/InterSoft/ToolBar/add.gif" Name="cmdAdd" Text="Add" ToolTip="Add" Type="Button">
               <ISWebDesktop:ToolCommand Category="WebToolBar1" DisplayMode="TextAndImage" Image="~/Images/InterSoft/ToolBar/wg_Cancel.gif" Name="cmdDelete" Text="Delete" ToolTip="Delete" Type="Button">
                  WTB_Initialize_Common('<%= WTB1.ClientID %>');            

   When I execute  the code above , I can only click the button of "Add" or "Delete" once , then I can not click these buttons . If I remove the UpdatePanel , then it back to normal . I want to know why .

   Anyone can help me ? Thanks a lot !

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