custom css width not working under ie8

5 replies. Last post: December 27, 2010 8:09 PM by Handy Surya
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Hi there!

As IS WebCombo does not provide a CssClass in the main control, as overriding LayoutSettings styles (e.g. FrameStyle) using CssClass breaks the default design, we decided to set WebCombo.Width to 100% and define the actual (expected) width in a parent div element.

This solution (workaround) was rather satisfying on IE7 and FF (a bit less), but is not working anymore on IE8. Setting Width="100%" displays the WebCombo with a size of 150px. Without setting the Width, its size is 200px (hardcoded in inner controls!!!).

So my question is: What can I do?

  • Why is the WebCombo designed with hardcoded style (absolute, width, font-size)?
  • Why isn't there any way to properly override style using css class without breaking default style and without redefining all default style?
  • Some default css class are available (e.g. WC4-F-N), but not on all div: why?
  • Why is the WebCombo HTML structure (div elements) so weird and complicated?

I'm scratching my head for hours finding a "workable" bastard solution using "!important" css keyword everywere I can, in order to ignore IS hardcoded style (e.g. width:auto !important; height:inherit !important), but I'm stuck in this poor design... please help me!

<DIV id="wcTest_f" class="WC4-F-N" style="POSITION: relative; WIDTH: 200px; FLOAT: left; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; OVERFLOW: hidden">

<DIV id="wcTest_search" class="WC4-DD-N" hideFocus style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; FILTER: ; FLOAT: right; OVERFLOW: hidden; opacity: 1; MozOpacity: 1; KhtmlOpacity: 1"></DIV>

<DIV hideFocus style="POSITION: absolute; FONT-FAMILY: Webdings; COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; TOP: 0px; CURSOR: default; RIGHT: 1px">6</DIV>

<DIV style="WIDTH: 179px; HEIGHT: 18px; OVERFLOW: hidden">

<INPUT id="wcTest_text" class="WC4-TB-N" style="PADDING-LEFT: 2px; WIDTH: 100%"  name="wcTest_text" autocomplete="off" value="" />


<TABLE style="DISPLAY: none" id="wcTest_udata">

<TBODY><TR class="WC4-Row-N" dataValue="Col1Row1">

<TD style="WIDTH: 200px" class="WC4-C" noWrap="noWrap"><NOBR>Col1Row1</NOBR></TD>



We are working on a project for more than a year using IS solution and we still hope there will be a clean solution for all our workaround we needed. And I'm not talking about WebGrids...

This becomes URGENT!

Thank you for your feedback and help.


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