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2 questions (use attached txt file = aspx for demo):
1. As there is no CssClass property on WebCombos, I need to set the Width="100%" on WebCombos in order to be able to define the width in the stylesheet.
e.g. <
Do you have any other solution to avoid this using style?
2. I had the same kind of layout issue as
using a javascript collapsible panel (style.display = 'block' / 'none') containing WebCombos, resulting in unsuable WebCombos...
However, the "solution" provided looks more like a work-around than a real fix and this kind of issue is definitely a bug for me as I still need to use javascript DoResize method to fix it.
Do you have any other solution allowing me to use my collapsible panel without calling DoResize() on each WebCombo?
The issue will be solved if you are using HTML doctype.
However, if you wish to use XHTML doctype, You will need to use this workaround, removing the float left property from the WebCombo frame element during initialize client side event, for WebCombo2 in your attached sample.
function WebCombo2_OnInitialize(controlId) { var WebCombo2 = ISGetObject(controlId); WebCombo2.GetFrameElement() = ""; return true; }
The issue you mention regarding the WebCombo shrinks on mouse over could not be replicated using the latest WebCombo 4 and WebUI Framework 3, build 218 and 750
Regarding issue #2, you will need to invoke the DoResize() method if you wish to use the XHTML doctype.
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