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Xedem Member
of 12

With our sample, we dont get any error. And as discussed, i needed to put hidePadColumn option based on whether the webgrid has a scrollbar or not. You remember that right? Now for our sample, there is no error. As i said to reproduce the error i have to move from one webgrid page to another by clicking a button, then webgrid will produce an error page(this error page is a common error page shown by webgrid when some error occurs inside webgrid). I cant do a sample for you right now, however i can send u a sample may be day after tomorrow(as i cant access my sample that i ve created right now). However u can do a sample by just adding another webpage to our sample and then add a button to first page to redirect into second page. However to get the error, the clicking should be done fastly, so that the refresh wont be completed within that time, and webgrid will pop up some error!...Hope this would help...

Something happened and there was no internet connectivity yesterday. Thats why i couldnt reply yet. Now am doing a repair on my system, so i would suggest you to do as follows to get the exact error. Before that the error is webgrid produced error. See its the same error produced by webgrid covering the whole know that type of error...Now in any of your multiline sample put the above code and then within the webpage direct to another page(say clicking a link in the same page redirect to another page in the solution). This should be done fastly, say in firefox, just after the webgrid is loaded in the first page click any link to move to another page. The webgrid will surely pop the error for 1 sec minimum then the second page will come...And one more i dont like the solution at all as a developer. Coz after the full webgrid load the grid is refreshed. Say if there are 6 webgrids in the webpage, all are refreshed asynchronously delaying the total time...

One more thing, You have given me the following code in a previous post above, as follows

function WG_Init(controlId) {

var grid = ISGetObject(controlId);

setTimeout(function() {

var contentElem = grid.RootTable.GetElement(WG40.BODY, WG40.HTMLDIV);

if (contentElem.clientHeight < contentElem.scrollHeight)
grid.HidePadColumn = false;
grid.HidePadColumn = true;
}, 10);

Of which i replaced RefreshAll() with Refresh() and no further changes. Now the problem is that if any user tries to navigate away from the page just on the moment as the page is loaded, then the webgrid will popup an error, for say more than 1 second, then the second page loads. Means within the unloading time of the first page the error is shown. The error will occur to all the pages where the above fix is applied. This is is due to the fact that within a timeout the grid is refreshed and before all the process is completed, the user is moving away from  the page and thus webgrid wont complete the process and throws an error. In short using grid.Refresh()(or grid.RefreshAll()) within a settimeout function is not at all good. Or is there any other event than Init of webgrid to apply the function. Or any other fix, so that i dont need to display the vacant space reserved for the scrollbar. Please reply ASAP.

One more thing after the update, WebCombo height shrinked!. It was of default height...


Now that it seems like my problems due to update into new dll files are fixed, i would like to comment on the multiline problem. Its like still mozilla and firefox are doing it differently. The design of webgrid in mozilla is not good. See in mozilla, webgrid tries to clip half of a word at the extreme right. Thats not good for customers. And in non multiline scenario as well, there seem to be an extra small space left unoccupied in mozilla(perfect in IE). So the extra space should be avoided in mozilla. Am using all the latest hotfixes...

Check your screenshot for Mozilla, and see the scrollbar is hiding some 3 or 4 words behind it!. And i wil give a detailed reply tomorrow as soon as i get into the office.

ok. Now i checked the page in IE8, which works fine without xhtml. However mozilla behaves the same in both cases with the awkward display.And please read my post fully before u complete your testing. check the line ' I only tested the project with Mozilla' in my prev post. So atleast you have checked for the functionality in mozilla. Anyway hope your team come sooner with a good result.

What?!!. Thats strange. Though i used the last sample i have given, i wasnt using xhtml, which removed to avoid the display problem in sorting(though i cant remove xhtml from my project else my project will collapse). Now i again checked and strangely with or without xhtml the width bug! is still there no difference at all. I wonder which browser you ve checked?!.

Ok. I tried your sample. Your sample works fine and the first and last columns take the exact width as specified. Now comes the funny part. Remove isautowidth from the second column and add to the third column. Now the design collapses. So its buggy!!!. Correct me if am wrong. I only tested the project with Mozilla. To be more specific if you remove the isautowidth property from 2nd column to 1st or last column, it is not working at all!!. Now i will paste the modified column structure from the above sample code you ve put. Again correct me if am wrong.

<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn AllowMultiLine="True" Caption="ID" DataMember="ID" Name="ID"
Width="100px" >
<CellStyle HorizontalAlign="Justify" VerticalAlign="top">
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Multiline1" DataMember="Multiline1" Name="Multiline1"
Width="250px" AllowMultiLine="True" >
<CellStyle HorizontalAlign="Justify" VerticalAlign="top">
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Multiline2" DataMember="Multiline2" Name="Multiline2"
AllowMultiLine="True" Width="100px" IsAutoWidth="true">
<CellStyle HorizontalAlign="Justify" VerticalAlign="top">

ok..I ll reply soon, though the making of only the last column width as auto with fixed width never worked before for me, Anyway i ll try with your sample

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