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you are right anyway i need to change the color when I stay in edit mode on the row, and also with your example I can set the color but when I enter in edit mode in the row the color comes back to the old, it does not maintain the red color.
on server side it is ok, anyway in client side I have used your code sample but it does not work the backgroudcolor is unchanged. Could you provide me an example to try it?
we have tried your solution but anyway it does not work because when the event is fired our combo is not selected, so the combo.GetSeletedRow() returns null.
We also tried to see use the method combo.GetRows() in the event handler code anyway the returned array is empty.
Could you provide us a complete example?
we do not need to add a new item only to enter in edit modo without loosing the first char inserted.
Hi Glenn,
thanks for the workaround, it works.
Hi Niven,
I think you misunderstood, the issue is not solved at all. I know how to use the TimeoutInterval property. What I'm saying is that the problem is still there also using you example: in your example the error message is shown quickly and after 60 seconds the timeout message is shown. In my opinion if the error message is shown the timeout message must not be shown.
it happens also with your example, but you have to wait that the timeout expires. The default timeout is 60 seconds, if you do not want to wait 60 seconds change the TimeoutInterval of the WebFlyPostBackManage, for example:
<ISWebDesktop:WebFlyPostBackManager ID="PostBackManager" runat="server" ServiceUrl="FlyPostBackManager.aspx" ServiceType="WebForm" AutoEventWireup="true" WebServiceResponseFormat="Json" ShowLoaderOnBusy="True" BlockPageUIOnBusy="True" EnableUIMode="True" TimeoutInterval="1"> <FlyPostBackSettings PostInputControls="False" PostViewState="False" /> <ClientSideEvents OnError="WebFlyPostBackManager_OnError" OnResponseSuccess="WebFlyPostBackManager_OnResponseSuccess" OnTimeout="WebFlyPostBackManager_OnTimeout" /> <LoaderTemplate> Searching... </LoaderTemplate></ISWebDesktop:WebFlyPostBackManager>
I'm using WebDesktop version 3.0.7200.310.
the example is in the description of the problem: I wrote the definition of the WebFlyPostBackManager and the implementation of the callbacks. I think you have all the information to reproduce the problem.
thanks for the information.
I have found that the problem is due to the WebUI framework library. is it possibile to use the webUI Framework related to 2010 R1 and maintain all other libraries version 2009 R2?
Our state is the following:
Our subscription is expired, anyway is our runtime license still valid?
And if we would deploy the 2010 R1 in production environment the our runtime lincense could be valid all the same?
now we can not use the 2010 R1 because our full subscription is expired and we want to maintain the version 2009 R2 that is currently installed on our customer environment, so could you tell me how to receive an hotfix related to our version 2009 R2 sp1.
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