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T Lusby Member
of 7
Posted: November 19, 2010 10:55 AM

I'm having this same problem.  I have a stored procedure that has Select aKey as Indentity(5), TestID, TestName from TestTable.

Now, I have a grid with no rows that the users should have the ability to add as many rows as they want then click the save button (BatchUpdate).  They aKey column doesn't need to show because it makes no sense to the user.  I too had the same problem with the AddCustomer.aspx example.  I insert a row then another row and I get the error message "the pending changes already contain a record with key ''.  This is a huge problem for us because our work around has been to make the user save after each row entry.  That's not the approach we are looking for. 

<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Name="aKey" Caption="aKey" DataMember="aKey" Visible="false" EditType="TextBox" IsAutoIncrement="true"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn>



Posted: November 11, 2010 5:19 PM

My work around was changing the EditType="Textbox" make my change then changing the EditType = "NoEdit".

Yes and No.

This works if you don't have filtering turned on; however, we give the user the ability to filter their data.  So, what is happening now is.  say the max is 6000 records.  I have returned data of 100,000 and then they filter column 1 and the total count is now 2000.  The rowcount is still showing 100,000 NOT the 2000 from the filter.  I have an aggregate count on column 1 if this helps.  Is there a way to retreive aggregate count value client side?



I saw onBeforeRequest function the problem is we have Paging implemented and we have PagingSize=500 and PagingExportMode="ExportAllData" so they have the ability to export all data.  The only way to get all rows would be in the code behind, so that's why I said InitializePostback.

I'm having the same problem. Is there a workaround for this? 

Posted: July 13, 2010 11:49 AM

I'm still having the same issue when I put the two missing entry's in this reference:

The missing entry is WebFileUploader handler in <handlers> and <modules> section under <system.webServer>. Below is an excerpt from the documentation:

Note:  I was able to run your examples.  It's one of the reasons, why I followed the previous format versus this one.

The following configuration applies for ASP.NET application that target IIS 7.
- Add WebFileUploader hander to <handlers> section under <system.webServer>:
  <add name = "WebFileUploaderHttpHandler" verb="GET" path="WebFileUploaderHttpHandler.axd" type="ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.WebFileUploaderHttpHandler, ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor" preCondition="integratedMode" />
- Add WebFileUploader module to <modules> section under <system.webServer>:
  <add name = "WebFileUploaderHttpModule" preCondition="managedHandler" type="ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.WebFileUploaderHttpModule, ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor">

Posted: July 9, 2010 2:06 PM

I'm having the same problem.  I have included my sample solution.


It does help for existing data on that's already on the screen during the initial load.  However, if there is no data on the inital load the OnAfterResponse will not fire and the height is not correct again.  You can also see this same scenario by doing the following:

Step 1: CustomerID = fjdksa;fsd.  Press Enter.  The results show with correct height.

Step 2: If the user clicks the "green" Refresh button on the grid, it shrinks, the height.


I'm thinking this is the same scenario would be the same if the inital load has no rows in the view.


This is modify the entire way we have built our grids.  At this time, its' not possible for us to back and redo them.  Is there another solution to fix this without redesigning the layout? 

Ok I'm still experiencing some weird behavior.  Take the example I have attached...

Follow these steps to recreate my problem:

1. Make CustomerID = dafdsasfds and then hit "Enter" (results: grid should be empty and shrunk)

2. Click button "Resets Height" [This is the first button] (results: grid shows message w/150px height)

3. On the grid click green "Refresh" icon (results: grid should be empty and shrunk)

4. Click button "Resets Height" again (results: grid barely shows message and height isn't 150px)

5. Click button "Resets Height" again (results: grid shows message w/150px height )


The question is why didn't step 4 resize height not work?  Why did I have to do step 5 for it work?  This is the problem we're experiencing. 


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