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T Lusby Member
of 7
Any update on this?

Ok, I have added that.  Another question is on WebDialogBox, is there maximum button we can add next to the "x" button for close?

By doing this they won't be able to review their changes.  I just want to disabled or not show the "Accept All Changes" button.  Is this possible?

If you have batch update turned on the grids.  If the user clicks Review Pending Changes (Accept All Changes) button is showing.  How do you remove it from Review Pending Changes?

Posted: October 1, 2012 1:01 PM

Found a solutions...Used the OnBatchUpdateSuccess and set flags to determine when grids were complete.  Thanks. 

Posted: September 21, 2012 10:56 AM

This still isn't giving me what I need.

I took pictures of what I see based on the steps.

Step 1 pic- shows that I'm editing row 4.  When I tab off it will update Row 1, 2, 3 with new sort order numbers.

Step 2 pic - Shows that the rows 1-4 have been updated but I only see 1 Pending Change(s). I'm expecting to see 4.

Step 4 pic - Shows in the Review Changes I only have one row changed.  When I'm expecting to see 4.


I'm using your example WebGrid_PendingChanges_Issue.aspx


Posted: September 20, 2012 3:03 PM

I created an example of what I'm doing.

Here are the steps to recreate:

1) put a 1 the Sort Order column for row 4.

2) tab off

3) The pending changes should be showing 4 pending changes b/c Sort Order was changed for 4 rows.

4) Click the Review Pending changes.  You get an error that I referenced above.

"if(vd0b48.substring(0,1)=="/" ||vd0b48.substring(0,1)=="." ||

"vd0b48 is undefined. "

5)  Try to apply all changes by clicking the batch update button on the grid and you get error that I have also attached.


I used your WebGridSamples.sln to create this test.

We are using the current WebGrid. 


Posted: September 6, 2011 2:50 PM

This is still not working and lining up correct.  I have attached a screenshot of what I'm seeing.

Posted: August 2, 2011 1:40 PM


Thanks for the tip.  I used the following and it did cause the scripting issue to be removed; however the formatting of my grids are off.  Are you having the same issue?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html>


I added an example of my Test page (testc.aspx/testc.aspx.cs) in my zip file.

Posted: July 20, 2011 6:26 PM


I just got a chance to view your information and I'm still seeing the same error.  I followed the directions from the link you sent as well regarding applying HotFixes.  I've sent you a another video showing what I'm seeing.  Click here to view file named QuickMeeting-20110720.  I start out the video showing you the GAC where I have added the new files.  Next I show you files I downloaded from your skydrive and installed them.  I compare them by the dates and versions.  Then finally I run the sample testc.aspx and I still get the javascript error.


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