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Sachin Jain Member
of 5
Hi Erwin,
              Ajaxtoolkit Accordion issue on our pages are fixed long time. I am trying to get similar functionality from Intersoft's accordion control. I saw live examples and think that we can use its rich functionality in our some future modules. It would be really nice if you can reply on above 28th April's post !

Hi Erwin,
I request your suggestion on a situation based upon your provided input as "Our current WebCalendar couldn't unselect a date since it's a 'not nullable' DateTime.".
We have a page which have only intersoft controls as Webcombo for select different options, WebButton for saving seleted dates and a webcalendar. Onload we display saved dates, now when user unselect all dates using combination of Ctrl + mouse click then OnClicked event of WebButton javascript error raised written below and onclicked event of WebButton lost.

Unhandled exception at line 1, column 3200 in http://../../ISRes.axd?L/WebCalendar.js/40100017

0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'Date' of undefined or null reference

Due to this user can not modify wrong saved date. It is working perfectly if any date is selected in calendar. I am also attaching F12 screenshot for your view !


Hi Erwin,
Thanks for reply. Our requirement is very simple and it was working befor nightly fix.
Our application has a page where user can select and save different type of Holiday using selection from webcombo.
Once the page is loaded then user see the dates selected from last saved or see 12 month calendar. Suppose there was no saved values.
User select option 1 from webcombo and select multiple dates and hit the save button to save the dates.
Now, user select option 2 but he/she now see the one selected date so he/she assume that selected date were saved earlier .
On webcombo I had call inbuilt function for clear selected dates. So, on changed event dates would clear and if dates are available in database the show new dates. Since, dates were not available in models so new date selection process was not started.
I checked from version before night build; it was working earlier .
I apologize for the 3rd reported issue on earlier post; It was not an issue and working fine with using ctrl key and click user can unselect a date.

Hi Erwin,
Further testing revealed that nightly build hotfix have couple of issue. I am attaching a sample for your recreation. I modified earlier sent sample by adding a dummy webcombo .
  1. HighlightTodayDate is set to false; it still shows current date.
  2. If user select some dates and change webcombo selection then on postback although webcombo's valuechanged event call "WebCalendar1.SelectedDates.Clear() ; but not all dates are clear from calendar. If more than 1 dates are selected then 1 date remain and show for every change event and if single date is selected  then it is available for all changed event.  Also, it is found that without nightly build hotfix; it was working fine.
  3. Currently I am not able to unselect a date after selecting once.

Please, suggest some solutions. Issue 2 is critical because it gives impression to user that dates are saved for other options also; although we are saving dates on click of a button and it saves correctly for selected option only.



Hi Erwin,
Thanks for the sample. Our requirement demands dynamic adding of webgrids which number is known only at run time depending upon some conditions. Please, use my provided ajax sample as reference. I am facing problem in adding dynamic grid in WebAccordionItem.
I tried to get reference from ; but could not get. May be I overlooked.
In ajax control , the way I used to add new pane was like this
AccordionPane SectionPane = new AccordionPane();

I believe that same functionality is available in also WebAccordion.
WebAccordionItem newItem = new WebAccordionItem();
newItem. ???     // I could not find a way to add dynamic grid.

I downloaded earlier chm file for webgrid which helped me to understand webgrid. I forgot that from which link I downloaded that. Is such chm file also exist for WebAccordion ; if it exists then please share the link.

Thanks again for your sample.


Posted: April 27, 2016 12:40 PM
Hi Erwin,
               Provided solution worked.
thanks and regards
Hi Erwin,
             I liked live samples of WebAccordian.  I am considering to use WebAccordion; but stuck on adding dynamic panes with dynamic grid inside it. Can you suggest some sample ! We checked intersoft both samples (with unified themes and other one) but could not see any such sample. May be I overlooked some sample.
I am eager to implement it.
     Did you able to replicate it !
     We tested it on Windows 10 Pro with Host servers as Win Server 2012 and 2008 R2.


Hi Erwin,
Background color solution works and we use your provided temp solution of VistaCalendar for our most used webpage. We are looking for Intersoft Dev team's solution for "ASPNET-368". We need to change in more than 50 pages which also require to retest the pages so we are relying on intersoft Dev team's solution.
Please, allow me to share our testing result in brief for "VistaCalendar" and "CalendarCombo".

CalendarCombo :
Host Server : Win Server 2008 Calendar appear on click on calendar icon for IE 11 normal and comp mode for Windows 7 Pro test machine and Windows 10 Pro. Only problem is that it is not appearing in proper place for IE 11 normal mode but appear on proper place for IE 11 comp mode.
Host Server : Win Server 2012 Calendar does not appear on click on calendar icon for IE 11 normal mode.
Host Server : Win Server 2008 R2 Calendar does not appear on click on calendar icon for IE 11 normal mode.

VistaCalendar :
with DataFormatString
Host Server : Win Server 2008 (not tested)
Host Server : Win Server 2012 reported crash was happening for IE 11 normal mode.
Host Server : Win Server 2008 R2 No crash ie, working fine.

For all cases test machine was Windows 10 Pro otherwise mentioned.

We will start using Win Server 2016 with other test servers.
For all cases test machine was Windows 10 Pro otherwise mentioned.

We will start using Win Server 2016 once it is available with other test servers once it is available .



Hi Erwin,
 Thanks ! The provided solution works.
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