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Frank P Member
of 8
Posted: January 30, 2012 12:20 PM

Where do I set the size when I am using the WebPaneManager?

There is a splitter between pnNavTree and pnContent that I want to make 8px wide.

Below is a snippet of my .aspx form:

     <ISWebDesktop:WebDesktopManager ID="mainDesktop" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%" ViewStateStorage="None">
        <FrameStyle BackColor="WhiteSmoke">
            <ISWebDesktop:WebDesktopWindow Name="wndMain" ControlBox="No" AllowClose="No" AllowMaximize="No"
                AllowMinimize="No" AllowResize="No" ShowInTaskBar="false" WindowState="Maximized"
                    <ISWebDesktop:WebPaneManager ID="ctlPaneManager" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%"
                        ViewStateStorage="None" SkinID="DefaultPage">
                        <RootGroupPane Name="RootGroup">
                                <ISWebDesktop:WebPane ContentScrollable="False" Height="Custom" HeightValue="40px"
                                    Name="pnHeader" Text="Application Header">
                                        <DT:ApplicationHeader ID="ctlAppHeader" runat="server" />
                                    <ContentPadding Bottom="0px" Top="0px" />
                                </ISWebDesktop:WebPane>                           <ISWebDesktop:WebGroupPane GroupType="VerticalTile" Name="pnContentGroup">
                                        <ISWebDesktop:WebPane Name="pnNavTree" AllowCollapse="Yes" AllowResize="Yes" ContentMode="UseIFrame"
                                            ContentScrollable="False" Text="Navigation Tree" Width="Custom" WidthValue="250px"
                                            Visible="False" ContentURL="~/NewNavigationTree.aspx">
                                        <ISWebDesktop:WebPane ContentMode="UseIFrame" Name="pnContent">

Thank you.


Posted: January 27, 2012 9:52 AM

If i have a form using a webinput control (type=decimal) and need to apply the same functionality.

What are the methods that provide the functionality for a webinput that are provided by "AddPendingChanges", "rowChange", and "AfterResponseProcess" on the webgrid?

Posted: January 26, 2012 5:01 PM

I have not yet tested this completely, but we will need the same functionality for WebInput fields of decimal type, too.

What are the functional equivalents to "AddPendingChanges", "rowChange", and "AfterResponseProcess".

There is no change.

What type of deployment is expected?

We have a custom script that creates a web site and another that creates a setup file. Neither of these show the changes.

I made the changes in the file listed above, but they are not reflected in my (debug) walkthrough.


How will this get moved with the project on compile? I don't see it in my project or in the resulting web site installation.


On a related note, I found this spelling error in the XML:

<Tooltip>...<GridView>Swith to Grid View</GridView>

should be

<Tooltip>...<GridView>Switch to Grid View</GridView>

Posted: January 11, 2012 7:37 PM

Any progress on this?

Posted: December 30, 2011 9:50 AM

Great news. We'd like to get this in our next release.

Any progress on this?

How do I research progress for "work item #1077"?

Posted: December 28, 2011 2:00 PM

Any progress on this?

How do I research progress for "work item #1077"?


Posted: December 12, 2011 9:44 AM

Any progress on this?

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