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Michal Podbielski Member
of 3
Posted: November 8, 2011 11:21 AM

What ClientSide function I can use to change WebGrid Width ?

Best Regards,


Posted: August 23, 2011 5:01 PM

Yes i have active subscription:

3f439122-7b4c-4cf8-8d5d-0f3ed66f6765 WebUI Studio 2011 R1 for ASP.NET Subscription Active 6/6/2011 6/6/2012 2

Posted: August 17, 2011 3:22 AM
do yo have any news from developer team? When I should except some workaround or fixing the problem? This issue is realy urgent because i want to change binding mode to improve performence but i can't do that without proper culture formatting.

Best regards

Any news?

Best regards,


 I use ClientBingdigMode with WebService and filtering and pagging works but when i try to export data to any format i've got JS error: "Invalid client service command"

 dynamic js code

Best regards,




i'm sure that solve the issue

unblock help file

If you are having trouble viewing a help file from the website, Windows may be trying to protect you.

Try the following:
1. Download the help file to a folder on your computer.
2. Right-click on the help file
3. Choose "Properties"
4. Click on the "Unblock" button as shown in the figure below.


Best regards,


Hello Martin,

I find in the source code ';' after 'GetWebComboCount' when I remove it, all  work fine. I also find it in the code that I send to you. Probably you removed it, because you've thinked that you typed it by mistake ;)

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" EnablePaging="true" SelectMethod="GetDataWebCombo" SelectCountMethod="GetWebComboCount"; TypeName="ObjectDataSourceFilteringSample.DataItem" onselecting="ObjectDataSource1_Selecting">


Thanks for help.



Could I use ClientBinding and PaggedData with ObjectDataSource ?




i publish my solutions and i've got this isssue :

it's hard to guide you how to reproduce issue if we use the same source code and I've got this issue on a few computers and IIS. What do you think i should check on my project what might cause it?

My dll version :

WebCombo : 5.0.7200.2



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