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Michael Lacy Member

Also tried this: 

if (r.Checked && !r.Visible) {




however, even if a row (r) is collapsed and so is not visible, it's Visible property still returns this does not work.  Is there a way to tell if a leaf row is collapsed or expanded and also if a row has a parent?


Thanks for this, getting close however I think this results in an endless loop as the checkbox checked event is unchecking checkboxes which in turn calls the checkbox checked event which unchecks checkboxes....etc..

What might solve it is if we can test if the checkbox is checked before we uncheck it....this way once the function unchecks a box, it will never touch that box again.

Something like this:

if (row.IsChecked() && !row.ChildExpanded) {


Just not sure about the IsChecked() that valid?  Should I use Checked?  Or something else?


Also, now that we have the latest version of the WebGrid, I can no longer find the API documentation.  You used to distirbute the client-side and server-side API docs...where are those now?   They are essential for doing development with your tools.


Posted: August 12, 2013 5:08 PM
<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="grdBlocks" runat="server" EnableViewState="False" Width="1240px" Height="500px" UseDefaultStyle="True" AllowAutoDataCaching="False">									<RootTable>
										<Columns />
									<FlyPostBackSettings PostControlState="true" PostHiddenFields="true" PostViewState="true" />
									<LayoutSettings AllowContextMenu="False" CellClickAction="CellSelect" AllowSorting="No" AlwaysShowHelpButton="False" RowHeaders="No" AutoHeight="false" ShowRefreshButton="False" TreeLines="true" AllowColumnFreezing="Yes" InProgressUIBehavior="ChangeCursorToHourGlass" HideColumnsWhenGrouped="Default" AllowFilter="Default" FilterBarVisible="False" AllowExport="Yes"> 
										<FrameStyle BackColor="White" BorderColor="Silver" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" Height="500px"/>
										<HeaderStyle CssClass="ISGridHeaderStyle" Height="75px" />
										<AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="ISGridAlternatingItemStyle" />
										<RowStyle CssClass="ISGridItemStyle" />
										<StatusBarStyle CssClass="ISGridHeaderStyle" />
										<ButtonStyle CssClass="ISButtonStyleInvisibleButton" />
										<SelectedRowStyle BackColor="Wheat" ForeColor="Maroon" />
										<FreezePaneSettings AbsoluteScrolling="True" ActiveFrozenColumns="1" MaxFrozenColumns="1" />
										<ClientSideEvents OnCellClick="grdBlocks_DoCellClick" OnUnhandledError="GridUnhandledError" OnAfterInitialize="grdBlocks_AfterInitialize" />

 I am getting this same error when trying to export a webgrid that has hierarchical data. The html for the grid is shown above.  The error is "Data at the root level is invalid.  Line 2, position 1."

All the other grids in our app export just fine, just this one has the issue.  Is it not possible to export a WebGrid which has self-referencing hierarchical data?


Same issue here,  I am getting the same errors in the ISCore.js script. 

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