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Posted: December 23, 2010 4:09 AM

I just noticed there are a lot of posts regarding webcombo compatibility issues on IE8.

So no wonder why I get different displays between IE7 and IE8...

Concerning a simple working sample that replicates my issue:
Just put a simple webcombo from your samples into a DIV element and set the webcombo's width to 100% and the DIV's width to let say 500px, then compare between IE7 and IE8.

Good luck!


Posted: December 21, 2010 8:34 AM
  • Why is the WebCombo designed with hardcoded style (absolute, width, font-size)?

WebCombo control is not hardcoded design. You can simply configure its width from the property provided in the WebCombo.NET Designer.

Yeah, and what if I want to configure the width in CSS?
If you look using Developer Tools for instance (HTML display), you see that the main dropdown DIV has its width hardcoded (see my original post).

<DIV id="wcTest_f" class="WC4-F-N" style="POSITION: relative; WIDTH: 200px; FLOAT: left; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; OVERFLOW: hidden">

And if I override it in CSS, it does not work as it IS hardcoded...
So how can I set the width in CSS?

  • Why is the WebCombo HTML structure (div elements) so weird and complicated?

Could you clarify in which parts does the WebCombo's HTML structure look weird and complicated?

It's a bit complicated to explain... but if you take the 2 DIVs inside the main dropdown DIV:

<DIV id="wcTest_search" class="WC4-DD-N" hideFocus style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; FILTER: ; FLOAT: right; OVERFLOW: hidden; opacity: 1; MozOpacity: 1; KhtmlOpacity: 1"></DIV>

<DIV hideFocus style="POSITION: absolute; FONT-FAMILY: Webdings; COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; TOP: 0px; CURSOR: default; RIGHT: 1px">6</DIV>

I don't understand why the "wcTest_search" DIV does not contain the second DIV (the symbol "6" = arrow), as it is supposed to be the DIV for the dropdown button (arrow). And I don't understand why this second DIV's position is absolute?

Anyway the most important problem here is to configure dropdown's WIDTH in CSS.
As explained in my original post, it used to work on IE7 setting IS control width to 100% and setting width in a global DIV CSS class.
But it does not work in IE8 anymore... what can I do?

Thank you and best regards,


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