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Jocelyn Rendulic Member
of 6

How do I set the grid to load that specific page in the code behind instead of loading the first page?

Posted: September 3, 2010 11:13 AM

The problem is the InProgressText is only showing the first time the page loads.  Here is my code.


 <ISWebDesktop:WebPaneManager ID="WebPaneManager1" runat="server" Height="92%" Width="100%">
                <FrameStyle BorderStyle="Solid" ForeColor="White" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="#404040"
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                        Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Tahoma" BackColor="#E0E0E0" GradientType="Vertical">
                        <Padding Top="4px" Left="4px" Bottom="4px" Right="4px"></Padding>
                    <InfoTextStyle ForeColor="White" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Tahoma">
                    <ContainerStyle BorderStyle="Solid" ForeColor="Black" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="Gray"
                        Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Tahoma" BackColor="White" Overflow="Auto" OverflowX="Auto"
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                        BorderColor="Gray" Font-Size="11pt" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Bold="True" BackColor="DimGray"
                        <Padding Top="4px" Bottom="4px" Right="1px" Left="1px"></Padding>
                <RootGroupPane GroupType="VerticalTile" Image="/CommonLibrary/Images/WebDesktop/"
                        <ISWebDesktop:WebGroupPane GroupType="VerticalTile" Name="GroupPane0" Text="GroupPane 0">
                            <ISWebDesktop:WebPane Name="Pane0" Text="Pane 0" Width="Custom" WidthValue="10%" AllowCollapse="Yes">
                                    <ISWebDesktop:WebNavPane ID="WebNavPane1" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%"
                                         BarVisible="3" OnBarItemClick="NavPane_BarItemClick"  OnBarClick="OnActiveBarChanged"
                                         Name="paneTopic" >
                                        <BarItemSettings DisplayMode="Text" TargetWindow="paneContent">
                                                <Active  CssClass="clsOverActiveHyperlink">
                                                <Over  Font-Bold="true">
                                                <Normal CssClass="clsOverTopicHyperlink" Overflow="Hidden" Cursor="Hand">
                                            <ItemsContainerStyle Width="100%" Font-Size="8.25pt" Font-Names="Tahoma" Height="100%"
                                                Overflow="Auto" OverflowY="Auto">
                                                <Padding Top="4px" Left="4px" Bottom="4px"></Padding>
                                        <BarSettings  >                                       
                                            <CaptionStyle ForeColor="White" BackColor2="245, 245, 245" Font-Size="11pt" Font-Names="Arial"
                                                Font-Bold="True" BackColor="Gray" Overflow="Hidden">
                                                <Padding Top="4px" Left="2px" Bottom="4px" Right="2px"></Padding>
                                                <Active BaseStyle="Normal" BackColor="LightGray">
                                                <Over BaseStyle="Normal" BackColor="LightSteelBlue">
                                                <Normal BackColor2="245, 245, 245" Font-Size="8.25pt" Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Bold="True"
                                                    BackColor="White" GradientType="Vertical" Overflow="Hidden" Cursor="Hand">
                                            <ISWebDesktop:WebNavBar CaptionDisplayMode="Text"
                                                Name="MyWork" Text="My Work" >
                                                    <ISWebDesktop:WebNavBarItem DisplayMode="Text" Text="Recently Opened"  />                                                
                                             <ISWebDesktop:WebNavBar CaptionDisplayMode="Text"
                                                Name="Admin" Text="Admin">
                                                    <ISWebDesktop:WebNavBarItem DisplayMode="Text"  Text="Admin"   />                                                
                                        <FrameStyle BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="Silver" BackColor="White">
                                            <FooterStyle BackColor2="220, 220, 220" HorizontalAlign="Right" BackColor="White"
                                                GradientType="Vertical" Overflow="Hidden"></FooterStyle>
                                            <Active BackColor2="0, 0, 0" BaseStyle="Normal" BackColor="Gray">
                                            <Over BaseStyle="Normal">
                                            <Normal BackColor2="128, 128, 128" BackColor="LightGray" GradientType="Vertical"
                            <ISWebDesktop:WebPane ContentMode="UseIFrame" ContentURL="./MainMRU.aspx" Name="paneDetails"
                                   Text="Recently Opened" AllowResize="Yes" AllowCollapse="Yes" InProgressText="Loading Recently Opened">
                <SplitterStyle >
                    <Active BaseStyle="Normal" BackColor="Black">
                    <Over BaseStyle="Normal">
                    <Normal BackColor="#E0E0E0">


    function OnActiveBarChanged(id, bar) {
        var navPane = ISGetObject("WebNavPane1");
        var navBar = navPane.GetActiveBar();

        NavPane_BarItemClick(id, bar.GetActiveBarItem());


    function NavPane_BarItemClick(id, barItem) {
        var paneMgr = ISGetObject("WebPaneManager1");
        var dtlPane = paneMgr.GetPaneByName("paneDetails");
        var appName = barItem.Parent.Text;

        switch (appName) {
            case "Admin":
            case "My Work":

I can not send you a simple example, since it does not happen unless the grid is actually deployed on the internet.  The only thing I can tell you is that out timeout is set at 20 min and it consistentantly happens evry time after 13 minutes of inactivity.  I am able to navigate the other pages fine without getting the error.

I am only trying to filter 1 column.

How do we fix this problem?  It always happens after about 10 minutes on every grid we have.  We do not disconnect from the internet and the comminucation with the server is good.  We can refresh the grid and it works just fine.


The error only seems to happen when trying to filter after about 10 minutes when the users are on the the grid. 

We only use IE for our application.  FireFox and Chrome is not an option for us.  Can you please request that a performance enhancement for this issue.  It should not be taking longer to move a column than what it takes to retirieve all the data. 

Posted: June 18, 2010 10:21 AM

We are already using the paging method.  We set the page size to 500 rows.  Why would it take so long to move a column with only 500 rows on a page?  The total record set returns 250,000 rows in less than 1 minute, but it is being paged and shows 500 pages of data.


Is there an enhancement going in for this issue?  This is a very important issue for us.  Please let me know.



The problem is that I do not want to call the controlid.AcceptAllChanges().  This would make a call to the server side BatchUpdate method, which should not be called because it would save all changes that a user has made on the grid without them physically hitting the Save button.  So, this is not an acceptable solution. 

How do I request this as a feature enhancement?

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