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James Member
of 14
Posted: November 6, 2009 10:15 PM


When using SQL Server, you need to use the named parameter such as @ReportsTo. For instance,

SELECT      *
FROM          Employees
WHERE      (ReportsTo IS NULL) OR
                        (ReportsTo = @ReportsTo)

Make sure the method name is properly assigned to the SelectSelfReferenceRowMethod in your ISDataSource, then your page should run properly. Note: I've tried to use SQL and it works fine using the above query.

Hope this helps, 

Posted: November 6, 2009 9:59 AM

Hi Gary,

Do you run the WebGrid using trial version in your production server? If so, I think that's the cause of the error since the trial attempted to show the trial dialog box.

If you have a license, make sure you have assigned the runtime license key in your web.config.

Hope this helps,

Posted: November 5, 2009 8:09 PM

Hi George, thanks for your response.

I presume you've managed to get it work in SQL Server? Please let me know if you still have other issues.


Posted: November 5, 2009 5:23 AM


Yes, the issue occurred in IE7 as well. The solution can be achieved by assigning all menu styles to external classes. Please find the attached sample for the working menu bar and Grid inside WebPaneManager.

Note: Please pay attention on the styles definition under <MenuStyleSettings> in the WebMenuBar control. Then take a look at the MenuBarStyles.css which contains the definition of each styles assigned in the CssClass. All these styles must be assigned as it is to resolve the IE performance issue.

Hope this helps,

Posted: November 5, 2009 1:37 AM

Hi George,

The issue is not in the WebGrid, but I think on the ISDataSource configuration. When load on demand is used and the Grid is bound to ISDataSource, you need to configure the SelectSelfReferenceRowMethod property in your ISDataSourceTable, which points to an existing method defined in your table adapter.

To understand further, see the SelfRef_LoadOnDemandChildRetrieval.aspx sample in WebGrid C# Solution. Then open the dsNorthwind_LoadOnDemand.xsd and notice the GetDataBy method defined in the table adapter, which is used to retrieve the self referencing children.

If you need a walkthrough, paste this url in your VS Document Explorer,  ms-help://ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.V7/ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid/Creating Self Reference LoadOnDemand WebGrid.html

Hope this helps,


Posted: November 3, 2009 8:50 AM

Hi Adrian,

It appears to be performance issue in IE8, where the runtime styles take ages to create. The same sample worked fine in other browsers.

A working solution to this issue is by assigning the CssClass of all menu styles in the StyleSettings.MenuStyles. When the CssClass of all styles are assigned, the control will quickly look over the classes defined in your pages (can be inline styles defined in the <style> tag or in external css file). This should resolve the IE 8 performance issue associated with WebMenu control.

Let me know if that helps in your case. Thanks!


Posted: October 31, 2009 1:48 AM

Hi Adrian,

You can get the pending changes data in server-side by handling the BatchUpdate server-side event.

First, you can access all modified rows through e.PendingChanges, and then loop through the list of the modified cell data in the Data property of each row change.

Here's the C# code example that shows how to achieve this scenario.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     WebGrid1.BatchUpdate += new EventHandler<BatchUpdateEventArgs>(WebGrid1_BatchUpdate);
void WebGrid1_BatchUpdate(object sender, BatchUpdateEventArgs e)
    foreach (WebGridRowChanges changes in e.PendingChanges)
        foreach (WebGridCellData cellChanges in changes.Data)
            string newText = cellChanges.NewText;
            // TODO: update your data row to the new text

Let me know if the above sample works for you. 

Hope this helps,

Posted: October 26, 2009 10:40 AM


Try MediaViewer.Flow(true). That should force the CoverFlow to perform the flowing based on current active index.

Hope this helps,

Posted: October 24, 2009 9:39 PM

Hi Chris,

Try to call coverFlow.RefreshUIElement() after your items source is populated.

Let me know if that works for you.

Hope this helps,

Posted: October 21, 2009 11:41 PM

Hi Adam,

I don't think the missing images are related with the sample framework. Perhaps it's related to the SmartWebResources assemblies which you haven't include in your project.

The SWR assemblies name is usually ended with Resources, eg, ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Resources.dll. The easiest way to ensure that it's registered properly is to open a page with Grid instance, then right click on the Grid and choose Register SmartWebResources.

Hope this helps,

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