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I am encountering similar problem, and I had tried Handy's suggestion in the different client side event, the scrollbar looks good at the beginning, but when I move to the splitter (mouseover event) of WebPane (the WebGrid is inside a WebPaneManager), the scrollbar's height returns to 2px again, I think need to redraw the WebGrid to solve this problem.

Is there any method (preferably client-side) to force the webgrid to redraw the UI? or Is there any way that I can force the scrollbar to have specific height without returning to 2px.

Thanks and Regards,


Posted: April 11, 2011 6:47 AM

thank you for your reply. Stiil i have doubt that how can create

protected void combo_InitializeDataSource(object sender, DataSourceEventArgs e)

function dynamically. If you can please send the previous example updated with your solution.

thanks and regards

 Hi All,

I had also come across with the problem recently, and I had add some code to 'work around' this problem.

Private Sub Page_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub LoadGrid()
  dim dataTable1 as DataTable=GetYourData()
  RemoveHandler webcombo1.InitializeDataSource, AddressOf WebCombo1_InitializeDataSource
   AddHandler webcombo1.InitializeDataSource, AddressOf WebCombo1_InitializeDataSource
End Sub
Private Sub WebCombo1_InitializeDataSource(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.DataSourceEventArgs) Handles WebCombo1.InitializeDataSource
End Sub


Posted: February 18, 2011 1:48 AM

Thanks Handy, setting EnableWebResources to ScriptOnly fixed the problem.

However, when my aspx page is stored in a sub folder in the project, the page is not able to load the image for the controls. For example, My Images is stored in \ProjectFolder\Images\ and my .isl point to the .\Images\ as ImagesDirectory .If the aspx page is stored in \ProjectFolder\ everything goes fine. But when I open a page stored in \ProjectFolder\SubFolder\ The Images of the control is no able to load. Since I am making the .isl file as a theme for  my whole project, is there any way that I can set the image path in the .isl file and able to use it all over the project ? Or is there any work around ?

Thanks and Regards,


Posted: February 16, 2011 5:59 AM


I have a problem similar to robbob's case. I am trying to customize the Webtab's outlook to my custom images stored in a directory I created in CommonLibrary (e.g. \CommonLibrary\Images\WebDesktop\Win8\)

And I had changed the "ImageDirectory" to "\CommonLibrary\Images\WebDesktop\Win8\", and also the "ImagesSettings" to the images I made.

When I run the project, the image can't be loaded. Please kindly advise.

Thanks and Regards,

the ASPX Code of the WebTab:
    <ISWebDesktop:WebTab ID="WebTab1" runat="server" Height="300px" Width="500px" 
        AllowTextWrapping="False" DefaultTabSeparatorWidth="0px" 
        RenderMode="ComplexImages" TabSeparator="False" 
            <ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem Text="Tab 1">
        <FrameStyle BackColor="#BFDBFF" Overflow="Hidden" OverflowX="Hidden" 
            <Padding Top="5px" />
            <Normal Cursor="Hand" Font-Names="segoe ui,tahoma" Font-Size="9pt" 
                ForeColor="#38428B" Height="100%" Width="100%">
                <Padding Bottom="0px" Left="10px" Right="10px" Top="4px" />
            <Over BackColor="WhiteSmoke" BaseStyle="Normal" BorderColor="#3C7FB1">
            <Active BackgroundImage="url(/CommonLibrary/Images/WebDesktop/blank.gif)" 
        <ContainerStyle BackColor="White" BorderColor="#8DB2E3" BorderStyle="Solid" 
            BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="segoe ui,tahoma" Font-Size="9pt" Height="100%" 
            Overflow="Auto" OverflowX="Auto" OverflowY="Auto" Width="100%">
            <Padding Bottom="5px" Left="5px" Right="5px" Top="5px" />
        <RoundCornerSettings FillerBorderColor="255, 199, 60" 
            TopBorderColor="230, 139, 44" />
        <DisabledStyle ForeColor="Gray">
        <ImagesSettings ActiveCenter="tabo7_center_active.gif" 
            ActiveLeft="tabo7_left_active.gif" ActiveRight="tabo7_right_active.gif" 
            NormalCenter="tabo7_normal.gif" NormalLeft="tabo7_normal.gif" 
            NormalRight="tabo7_normal.gif" OverCenter="tabo7_center_over.gif" 
            OverLeft="tabo7_left_over.gif" OverRight="tabo7_right_over.gif" />


P.S. The reason of using flypostback/Server-side setting pane's contentURL is to force the pane to show the loading animation.

Thanks and Regards,


Posted: January 17, 2011 5:31 AM

Handy and Martin,

Thanks for your assistant.

Best Regards,


Posted: January 12, 2011 9:46 PM

Hello Martin,

Thanks, the code work as I expected!


Best Regards,


Hello Martin,

Thanks for your kindful help. I am looking forward to any further details of this issue.


Thanks again,


Posted: December 30, 2010 2:02 AM


  It worked like a charm!~ Thanks :)






  Thanks, your sample is working. Since I need to generate a lot of webcom in one page and it increase the page's loading time if I go through the whole page load each time flypostback.

to describe in code would be:

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

        If Not IsPostBack Then
        End If

    End Sub

but when I do this to the sample you provided, the webcombo would not be able to retreive data. Is there any work around for this case?


Thanks and Regards,


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