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Hendrik Yulianto Member
of 9
Posted: October 21, 2011 4:17 AM

Hello Fung,

As far as I know, In Our webgrid batchupdate also supports partial error. By this feature, the WebGrid is able to isolate erroneous changes, and continue to update the next changes that are unrelated to the previously failed changes update. 

Also if you set AutomaticObject Update in Batchupdate settings to true, the webgrid will be accept pending changes automatically. But if you want to do manually, you can specify when you want to accept all changes also specify which changes you want to accept. You can find sample about it in our WebGrid samples with name, BatchUpdate_CustomObjectUpdate.aspx. Hope this helps.



Posted: October 21, 2011 12:54 AM

Hello Madhavan,

I think you need to deceive the values, but not with the column. Because as the default, CustomAttributes will be return the value as a string. Perhaps, you can encode the value using HtmlEncode before you assign it to checkcolumn using CustomAttributes. Hope this helps.



Hello Madhavan,

I tried to set the width of webgrid in my sample to 100% and it is still working fine as I said before. Have you tried my sample? and have you received a problem? So, could you provide a recording video for this issue? thanks



Hello Dermot,

Unfortunately, this could not be done by single click via property because it is not available right now. You need to do this manually. I think you can use client side event like OnShortcutSelected to do that. To open a window from client side, you can find the tutorial in our web desktop documentation. Below sample for launch a window when the shortcut is selected.

function WebDesktopManager1_OnShortcutSelected(controlId, shortcut)
var WebDesktopManager1 = ISGetObject(controlId);
var dm = ISGetDesktopManager();

if (shortcut.Name == "scWebPad") {

wnd = new WebDesktopWindow();
wnd.Text = "WebPad Page";
wnd.Name = "wndWebPad";
wnd.ControlBoxImage = "is_webdesktop-16.gif";
wnd.ContentURL = "WebPad.aspx";
wnd.ContentMode = "UseIFrame";
wnd.AllowMinimize = "No";
wnd.AllowMaximize = "No";

wnd.ResizeTo(600, 400);

return true;


Hope this helps.



Hi Madhavan,

Unfortunately, I cannot replicate your issue. I tried to create a sample as you mean and tested it in IE 9. It is working fine in here. So, please check my sample if there are any configurations which different from yours. Or could you help me to replicate this issue in my sample? Thanks



Hi Gua gua,

Forgive me, but I don't quite understand about your explanation. Can you explain more details and more clearly? Perhaps, in better english sentences and grammar.



Hello Frank,

Unfortunately, I cannot replicate your issue in here. Because I cannot run your sample. Would be helpful if you can provide a runnable sample, so i can do further investigation.

May I know your expectation on Initiated? Perhaps, i need to further discuss with our development teams.



Posted: October 19, 2011 4:34 AM

Hello Madhavan,

Unfortunately, I cannot replicate this issue. I tried to create a sample as you mean and it is working fine. So, please check my sample if there are any configurations which different from yours. Or could you help me to replicate this issue in my sample? Thanks.

Hi Madhavan,

Thank you for your valuable feedback. I can replicate your issue in here and this is known as a bug. I will report to our development teams and will let you know when the fix are ready.



Hello David,

For the sample as you mean, you can find it in our WebGrid samples with name, RowCheckerColumn.aspx. Our samples uses master page, so you can explore it to further know.

To get the checked rows you can use GetCheckedRows method. You can use it in server side(like in our sample) or client side.

Hope this helps.

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