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Hello Eric,
Yes, I understand about our last conversation. But after investigate the issue deeply, our developer teams thinks that the error correctly come from the level code (Column D is null). Also, my latest changes is different from my previous posts.
Hello Fung,
I am able to replicate in more simple sample. It seems the issue because we used AutoHeight and AutoWidth in WebGrid. If I discard those settings, the charting container loads correctly. I also attached a simple sample that replicates the issue. Please confirm if this issue similiars with yours.
Hello Balachander,
Actually, you need to follow our approaches, not DevForce. We have a similiar code that shows LoadOnDemand App in our ClientUISamples, App.xaml.cs. We ever tested the code along with DevForce and it works fine. Here is the snippet code.
private void DiscoverAvailablePackages() { UXShell.Current.IsInitializing = true; ResourceDownloader downloader = new ResourceDownloader(); downloader.Downloaded += (o, e) => { Stream stream = (Stream)e.Resource; XDocument x = XDocument.Load(stream); var packages = from package in x.Descendants("ApplicationPackage") select package; foreach (XElement package in packages) { using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()) { package.Save(writer); UXShell.Current.Applications.Add(ApplicationPackage.Parse(writer.GetStringBuilder().ToString())); IdeaBlade.Core.Composition.CompositionHost.Add(ApplicationPackage.Source); } } UXShell.Current.IsInitializing = false; }; downloader.Failed += (o, e) => { throw e.Error; }; downloader.Download(new Uri("Applications.packages", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); }
I am able to replicate the issue. It seems AutoHeight properties is not working in XHTML. I will forward this issue to our developer teams. While waiting the response, please add this attribute in your XHTML page. Notice that, without this attribute, you can see Column header alignment issue in your last sample.
<html xmlns="">
It's weird. If SL version got registered well, WPF should be too. Please let me know your email address. I will need to ask your detail license key in email contact.
Please let me know the environment details. Is it 32 bit or 64 bit? If it is 64 bit, please try to remove Intersoft registries at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intersoft Solutions.
Also, does this Silverlight and WPF run in the same development machine?
I am not able to reproduce the issue in here. Can you also confirm that this also happened in ClientUI5?As far I checked, the previous issue also has been fixed in 2011R1SP1 installer.
Our developer has sucessfully found the cause. Unfortunately, In their investigation, this is not a bug. But error in level code.
If wg Is grdUpper Then tbl.Columns.GetNamedItem("Upper_Id").Visible = False tbl.Columns.GetNamedItem("Upper_Parent_Id").Visible = False tbl.Columns.GetNamedItem("A").Visible = Not (ddlSelect.SelectedValue = "PD2") tbl.Columns.GetNamedItem("D").Visible = Not (ddlSelect.SelectedValue = "PD1")
Somehow, "D" column is null. Here I attached modified sample based on your first original sample. Hope this helps.
The SP1 has been released. You can try our enhancement regarding your issue.
Unfortunately, this could not be done for now. I would note this as a feature request. But our developer teams would like to see the posibilities first before deciding to implement this feature.
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