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Handy can you attach a sample with serverside code. I also need to be able to launch a dialog window on button click.
This would be so much easier if there was a Webgrid.rows.CurrentRow or SelectedRow
Handy,Thanks for your answer, I need to do this on the server, because I'm passing those values to a stored proc.
Gordon, the insert stored proc, does not require the id. The ID is passed internally. Here it is:
[dbo].[sp_Business_Insert]( @BusinessName nvarchar(100), @Address1 nvarchar(100), @Address2 nvarchar(50), @City nvarchar(50), @State nvarchar(20), @PostalCode nvarchar(20), @Country nvarchar(30), @ProfessionalID1 nvarchar(50), @ProfessionalID2 nvarchar(50), @ProfessionalID3 nvarchar(50), @StatusID tinyint, @AdminFirstName nvarchar(20), @AdminLastName nvarchar(20), @AdminPhone nvarchar(20), @AdminPhoneExt nvarchar(10), @AdminEmail nvarchar(50), @GName nvarchar(20))ASDECLARE @BusinessID uniqueidentifierSET @BusinessID=NEWID()
SET NOCOUNT OFF;INSERT INTO [dbo].[Business] ([BusinessID], [BusinessName], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [State], [PostalCode], [Country], [ProfessionalID1], [ProfessionalID2], [ProfessionalID3], [StatusID], [AdminFirstName], [AdminLastName], [AdminPhone], [AdminPhoneExt], [AdminEmail], [GName]) VALUES (@BusinessID, @BusinessName, @Address1, @Address2, @City, @State, @PostalCode, @Country, @ProfessionalID1, @ProfessionalID2, @ProfessionalID3, @StatusID, @AdminFirstName, @AdminLastName, @AdminPhone, @AdminPhoneExt, @AdminEmail, @GName); SELECT BusinessID, BusinessName, Address1, Address2, City, State, PostalCode, Country, ProfessionalID1, ProfessionalID2, ProfessionalID3, StatusID, AdminFirstName, AdminLastName, AdminPhone, AdminPhoneExt, AdminEmail, GName FROM ArcBusiness WHERE (BusinessID = @BusinessID)
You can find the video Here
Gordon,My issue is not in retrieving the GUID. It is in INSERTING the GUID. I will post a video for you.
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