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Fabrizio Della Corte Member
of 2
Posted: June 16, 2010 11:52 AM

Andy thanks for you answer.

I would like to know why if I navigate between cells with tab, when arrive to last cell of last row , the tab doesn't go to the next component but the focus stuck there.

Thank you for the information

Hi Yudi,


the your example is already good. It with version R1 is OK instead with version R2 doesn't work well.

I 'm tring to explain better the problem:

If you move the focus in the cell that contains the customEditor and click enter, it open the customEditor (Slider) and you cannot click TAB and it is all ok, instead if you don't click enter (first things don't fire the OnEnterEditMode event), the customEditor is not open and if you insert a number and click TAB (or click only tab) the behaviour is unwanted because obtain the cell is always highlight and don't fired the OnExitEditMode event. All this steps works with version R1.

The problem according to me is Slider's initialization because after you have initialize the Slider the first time (clicking ENTER in a cell) then all works well.


Let me know



Posted: February 4, 2010 3:55 AM

Hi Handy,


thank you, it is ok, there was my mistake (not good visual studio refresh).

When this fix will be available by Update Manager tool ?


best regards


Posted: February 3, 2010 4:58 AM

Hi Handy,


we have tested the patch in attachment and applied by instruction ( and the test result is not OK. In the image in attach, you can see that after the tab the focus goes still on the cell with ForceNoEdit=true.




Hi Yudi,


in this way seems works but there is a documentation that explain what was changed in the CustomEditor with last release because also the event OnExitEditMode isn't always fired when exit from this cell with tab key



Posted: October 8, 2009 12:01 PM

We have installed the lastest WebUI version (you can see in the image attached), why we cannot open the customEditor ?



Hi Gordon,


in the server side, I changed the currency settings in the 'InitializeLayout' method , therefore at first time. In the grid I see the right format and after some operations on the grid in an OnAfterItemSelected of field grid, I try to get the currency values but the result is the old values and I have noticed that also the global function 'wgGetUnMask' don't work because use always the old format.

Can you help me.



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