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Fabrizio Della Corte Member
of 2
Posted: December 11, 2012 1:16 PM

Hi Bernard,

any new about work item #1257 ?


Posted: September 4, 2012 11:45 AM

Hi Bernard,

thansk for your reply.

I have the combo in the cell of WebGrid, if I choose a product in the combo and goes in the next cell, than I go beck in it and I start writing another product code and key ENTER faster, the combo leave the old product code and not new code, seems that don't get changes if hit ENTER before start the search.

Therefore I prefer to skip the ENTER key event.

I hope it is clear.


Hi Handy,

I have run your example (with version 4.0.7200.219) and works but if you change in it, the WebCombo definition, reverse the value of DataTextField with "ContactTitle" instead of "ContractName" :

<ISWebCombo:WebCombo DataTextField="ContactTitle" ....>

so the example doesn't work well, it reverses the result of "ContactTitle" and "ContractName"


Thank you and we will create an example to replicate the issue

Thank you, it is OK

Thank you Martin,

this the event that I look for but now I don't know replace not only the Message but put our custom form with message, may you tell I can do it.

thanks very much

Hi Martin,

sorry but I have forgot the attachment picture.

I know how to use the Try-catch statement but I don't know where add it to intercet the following exception and the change the error message (in attachment).

I add a new position in the WebGrid and the client is unabled to comunicate with server, now where I can put the your example (Try-catch statement)  to catch the exception, in any event ?

I hope that I'm clear


Posted: November 16, 2010 9:19 AM

Hi Julia,


instead to do the code from you suggested, for me is more simple before the 'return false' set an 'cell.Select()' and the you should not exit anymore also if you click left, right, top, bottom, tab, or shift tab




Posted: November 15, 2010 5:13 AM

Hi Glenn,

thanks for you example.

the code that you have provided in the 'else' in the setTimeout function works about the hightlighted style but if I have hightlighted only one element and click ENTER or TAB by keyboard, the element  isn't put as combo value, it is occur only if I click it by MOUSE.

I have add another code in the method from you provided ?


thanks in advanced


Posted: June 18, 2010 6:18 AM

Hi Andy,

the version of WebGrid is 7.0.7200.402

Probably is not clear what I wrote.  Example if I have two webGrids, when with tab arrive on the last cell (in the last row) of first grid, according to me when hit tab key, the focus should move on the next component (the second grid).

Let me know what do you thinks about it

kind regards

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