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Hi Adam,
I tried to replicate your issue in our local end. Unfortunately, this issue only happen in HTML5 doctype and IE10. Since WebScheduler hasn't been supported for HTML5 and IE10, the error will persist in WebDesktopManager. This issue happen in IE10 because IE10 has new engine that will render HTML4 doctype page differently than other browser. You can resolve this matter by using meta tag that force IE10 rendering method to IE9 rendering method.
If this issue still persist when you're not using HTML5 doctype and IE10, could you help me to replicate this issue in our local end by giving us a simple sample so I can check the problem here? Or maybe you can give us specific steps to replicate this issue in our local end. I will gladly help you to resolve this issue. Look forward to hear any feedback so I can help you further.
Hi naga,
I don't think this method can be used for this scenario. If you put this method on Page_Load, our control has been created in client-side. However, you can use PreRender server side event for each our control to achieve this scenario. In PreRender you can set any configuration in our controls so it will rendered like you want. However, please consider the life cycle of our product so you can put the configuration in exact event. For example, you can use InitializeDataSource event to change the data inside WebGrid or you can use PrepareDataBinding event to change the structure of WebGrid. Please let me know if you have any further question. Hope this helps.
To resolve this matter, you can use SelectParameter attribute in ISDataSource. When Selecting, ISDataSource will take SelectParameter value that parse to server side to filtering, sorting, and etc. I've made a simple sample for you. You can look in my sample and please let me know if this sample doesn't meet your requirement. Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.
To resolve this matter, you can put the attributes in WebGridCells' CustomAttributes. However with the code that you used before, the attributes can only be accessed in server side because it won't be rendered in client-side. Just like you though, the attributes that you put in server-side won't be rendered in client-side. Here's the walkthrough how to put the value inside WebGridCell level:
Although, if you only want to use single custom attribute, it will be better if you're using HiddenField that contains string of your customAttributes. Is there any scenario that you want to achieve regarding this custom attributes? Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.
Hi Tomislav Mesaric,
From the snippet that you gave me before, I couldn't replicate your first issue about missing button element. When changin the div container display to block value. However, this issue happens when using IE10 document mode because textbox width is the same as webcombo width. This issue resolved when you change the RenderingMode to HTML5.
I also tried to replicate your second issue that make text doesn't show until you click the button. I also couldn't replicate your issue here. However when using you snippet code, I couldn't show the resultbox because you missing some configuration on MultipleSelectionSettings. When using TextBoxMode to ReadOnly and enable MultipleSelection, please ensure if you put AllowBrowseAll value to True value. The resultBox will be appear below the WebCombo.
Can you give any steps or simple sample that can replicate these issue in our local end? I really need to replicate this issue in our local end so I can trace where the problem comes from. Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.
Hi Raj,
For this matter, I've made you a simple sample. In sample, I open the dropdown oninitialize event and check the row value. Then for specific value, I set the enabled to false same like your scenario. Could you look for my sample and tell me if this sample doesn't meet your requirement? Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.
I tried to replicate your issue in our local end. But unfornately, I couldn't replicate your issue here. However you can access the shortcut object in shortcut variable of those function.
function WebDesktopManager1_OnShortcutSelected(controlId, shortcut)
var WebDesktopManager1 = ISGetObject(controlId);
if(shortcut.Name == "WebDesktopShortcut0")
shortcut.TargetURL = "";
return true;
Hope this helps.
Hi Madhavan,
Sorry for my mistake. I wasn't aware the scenario that you explain me before. Here's the sample for self referencing table. It's almost the same as WebtreeView but it's easier to do with WebGrid. I attach the sample here. Please take a look in my sample and please let me know if there's anything wrong with this sample. Hope this helps.
Maybe you can use OnShortcutSelected client-side event. In there you can change the TargetURL of your Shortcut. If this is not the scenario that you want, please let me know the detail of scenario that you want to do. Hope this helps.
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