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Hi zxdluck,
I have looked to your sample and make a working sample here. However, could you explain me more detail about the issue that you face by using our Wcf Service client side binding? You can also download my working sample here:
In that sample, I'm bind WebGrid with Orders table like you want to do. Please let me know any issue that you found regarding this sample. Hope this helps.
Hi Tomislav Mesaric,
I tried to replicate this issue in my local end. Unfortunately, I couldn't replicate this issue in my local end. Is there any code that you used after flypostback to select a row inside the WebGrid? When initialize, WebGrid only do FlyPostBack and won't select any row inside root table. However this matter only happen in earlier firefox because there are some browser bugs in firefox. Hope this helps.
Hi armore1972,
Glad that you have solved your problem. If you have any further question, please don't hesitate to ask us.
Hi Armore1972,
I think you can do this by using ResultBoxHeight property in LayoutSettings. By using this property, I set its property to 0 then the ResultBoxHeight will growing as much as the items that you got inside the ResultBox. Or if you want to specify its height in client side you can use OnShowDropDown client side event. The function should be like this:
function WebCombo1_OnShowDropDown(controlId, left, top, width, height) { var WebCombo1 = ISGetObject(controlId); window.setTimeout(function () { WebCombo1.GetTData() = ""; WebCombo1.GetTData() = ""; }, 100); return true; }
Hope this helps.
Hi Bella,
Refer to this topic:
it seems WebSlidingMenu only fully support on XHTML doctype. Maybe you can try to use that XHTML doctype and please let me know if there's an issue in this control when you used it on IE10. Actually, right now we're still improving this control to support HTML5 in IE10. I'll let you know if this control has ready to be released. Hope this helps.
Hi John,
Actually, the unofficial hotfix fixes some problem from jQuery and Firefox 20 browser. That hotfix also applied inside our framework. That's why this hotfix maybe solved other problem regarding Firefox 20 and jQuery from other products. We are still focusing on our 2013 R1 release that cause some delay for releasing our hotfix. So I assume this hotfix might be added to our new installer. Hope this helps.
I tried to replicate your issue in our local end using WebTextEditor and the unofficial hotfix. Unfortunately, this matter doesn't happen in our local end. I'm using 3 different doctype to replicate this issue in our local end which are HTML5, XHTML and HTML4. Also I tried this issue in Firefox 20.0.1 and 22.0. To replicate this issue in our local end, we really need your help. Could you send us a simple sample or any detail steps that can replicate this issue? Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.
You can get the data in OnExitEditMode client side events. However, you should change the data OnBeforeAdd client side events. In OnBeforeAdd event, you can get the data that would be inserted to database. Here's the snippet code how to do this scenario:
<script type="text/javascript"> var goodfloat; function OnExitEditMode(controlId, tblName, editObject) { var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId); var customEditorName = editObject.ToCellObject().Column.CustomEditorName; if (customEditorName != "") { var customEditorObject = WebGrid1.CustomEditors[customEditorName].ImplementationObject; var float = customEditorObject.GetBaseEditorElement().value; goodfloat = parseFloat(float.replace(',', '.')); } return true; } function OnBeforeAdd(controlId, tblName, rowObject) { var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId); rowObject.Cells[2].Value = goodfloat; rowObject.Cells[2].Text = goodfloat; return true; } </script>
I can replicate your issue in my local end. Probably, there are enhancement or fixing in NumericUpDown custom editor that changing the method to get text or value of input element inside NumericUpDown Custom Editor. However, you still can get decimal value from inputbox. Here's the method:
You will get the direct value of input element with that method. Hope this helps.
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