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Andrzej Sulej Member
of 5
Posted: February 8, 2012 9:17 AM


we focus on business application (ERP,CRM etc.). mvc is using in most cases for controller (authentication, authorization and data response in json format). Front end is base on pure javascript framework. Sometimes when we expect more complicated interface like pivot grid, scheduler, calendar etc. we are looking for and using mvc extesions.




Posted: February 6, 2012 8:51 AM


Maybe you should start independent software platform: Intersoft javascript framework (sth. like extjs for example) with your own javascript serwer module (sth. like module in node.js) and platform for build application (like phonegap)

With all respect to your GREAT job and products, I think ASP.NET Web Form or Silverlight it's like blind alley. If you start ASP.NET MVC ask yourself : how long you'll be behind your competiors ? (Telerik has opensource mvc extensions). Is not it a waste of time ?


kind regards


Posted: July 20, 2011 8:30 AM

Hi Riendy,

Do you have any roadmap or could you give me aprox. time to first release for this one  ?


Kind regards


Hi Yudi,

It's the same solution as I've written in my post

Could you give me answers on:

1. why NavigateUri propetry not working ?

2. why I have to set IsEnable=true (it should be default value)


Kind regards


Posted: June 30, 2011 5:06 AM


Anyway, did you mean insert button to input a new data to grid ? Then we have to click save all changes button to save the changes to DB ?


Yes, I think in some situation (for some group of users) should be possiblity to use and click on Insert (or Add) button to execution of an action. Auto insert, when change focus, should be disable at this moment.

Is it possible to add combination Shift+Enter (like in WebGrid) also ?


Kind regards



Thank you and look forward

Kind regards


Hi Riendy,

Anyway ..

I would imagine the following process:

1. user click on new row:

  a. ExecutePrepareNewRow is raising - in code we create new object(entity) and set some default value

2. user add new row to list

  a. ExecuteValidateRow is raising - in code we validate object (entity), if 'ok' than insert it into EntityManager

  b. ExecuteInsertRow is raising

3. user click Save and all new added entity are saved via DevForce to DB

UXGrid offer me another life cycle:

when user click new row I have to add new entity to EntityManager (in ExecutePrepareNewRow) - I don't do that, because there is no my accept at this moment. 

Have you ever tried some kind of magic:

1. go to Product

2. click on new row and write ProductName="abc" and Category="Beverages"

3. next click on Home

4. and back again to Product -what you see : new added row 

Why I have to take care to clear cache or permanently use sandbox with new instance of EntityManager

I think it's not good practic which required more control.

Kind Regards



Sandbox is very good practic

Hi Riendy,

Double records appear also when I set AutoGenerateColumn=false. In my opinion it's a bug

I think a freely operation on entities , not depending on navigation properties level, should be able to use with UXGrid.

Could you give me some roadmap to implement navigation properties. 

It's seriously limits use of UXGrid in our project

Kind regards


Hi Riendy,

if I don't add entity to EntityManager like on example below:

private void ExecutePrepareNewRow(object parameter)
            // It's possible to initialize the new row with default values
            // Example:
            // product.ProductName = "New Product";
            this.NewItem = this.EditableProductsSource.Create() as T;

only RejectRowCommand ( ExecuteRejectRow method) is executed.

I expect it should be extecuted:  ValidateRowCommand, InsertRowCommand too.

You can try it  (file: EditableGridViewModelGenericBase.cs)

Kind regards


Hi again,

I've tried RC dll once again. 

It's working fine now, but I had to copy and overwrite original dll from:

 C:\Program Files (x86)\Intersoft Solutions\ClientUI 4\Silverlight 4\Bin

Any way I'll be waiting for next release



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