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Hi Jason,
Forgive me, however, I cannot use your sample since I do not have the data of yours. But, I have created a simple sample with Northwind database that runs under your scenario. In my sample, when button is clicked, it will only load an Orders table where the CustomerID is equal to 5.
Later, you can set this validation under your scenario. For your information, to rebind data source, we will need to do this in InitializeDataSource of WebGrid's server side event. That is why we cannot bind them in this button click event.
You will notice that when the button is clicked, it will only load the data with that particular validation, and it will be rendered in both, WebGrid View and WebGrid Chart View.
I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Hi Jayaprakash,
Unfortunately, that is not an acceptable scenario. Those property should be declared from server side or at the first load of WebTreeView (which we can set them directly from design mode or server side). And also, those property only sets the path of the Images which define if those node behave as a Text or TextImage.
However, after we set that particular node to TextImage, we can change the image. I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Gao Yixin,
Could you give me more detail about your scenario please? Does it related to our component such as WebDialogBox or WebDesktopManager? By you mean the "parent page", does it related to our DesktopManager?
If this is only a simple regular window, I believe you can use window.opener to open a simple window in page. I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Maxual,
I am manage to replicate your issue and I have forwarded this to our Developer team as a Work Item. I will inform you as soon as I heard any news from our Developer team regarding this issue. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Ca,
Yes, that is not the right way in order to notify a WebNotification from client side using java script. First, we will need to create the notification object that contains required properties. If we are notifying the WebNotification from client side, the object is not available if it does not come from server side.
Here is the snippet on how to create a simple object and show the Notification:
function Button1_onclick() { var WebNotify = ISGetObject("WebNotification1"); var myNotification = WebNotify; myNotification.ContentText = "This notification is sent from button click. Check it out!"; myNotification.CaptionText = "Vista Style Notification"; WebNotify.Notify(myNotification); }
I hope it can help. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Christian,
Unfortunately, that would be our default behavior. However, I have created a workaround that perhaps might fulfill your scenario. We will need to use "OnToolBarClick" client side event and rewrite the tag format. Here is the snippet:
function WebTextEditor_OnToolBarClick(controlId, command, commandSection) { var WebTextEditor = ISGetObject(controlId); var NewMailMerge = WebTextEditor.MailMergeSettings; var NewSelection = WebTextEditor.Selection; if (command.Id == "cmdBold") { for (var i = 0; i < NewMailMerge.Labels.length; i++) { if (NewSelection != null) { if (NewMailMerge.Labels[i].Label == NewSelection.text) { var Span = "<strong>"; Span = Span.concat(NewSelection.htmlText); Span = Span.concat("<\strong>"); NewSelection.pasteHTML(Span); } } } } return true; }
I hope it can help you. Please let me know if it does not meet your scenario. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Madhavan,
Could you kindly try this block of code? I have tried them and it works nicely. For text "Page # of #" in status bar, to change them, we will need to use StatusBarCommandStyle method and set the CSS class for it.
Here is the snippet:
WebGrid1.LayoutSettings.PagingMode = PagingMode.ClassicPaging; WebGrid1.LayoutSettings.PagingStyleUI = ClassicPagingStyle.SimpleDropDown; WebGrid1.LayoutSettings.StatusBarStyle.CssClass = "WebGridStyle"; WebGrid1.LayoutSettings.StatusBarCommandStyle.Normal.CssClass = "WebGridStyle";
Hi Mike,
Yes, I am able to replicate the issue in here. I have forwarded this issue to our Developer Team and I will inform you as soon as I get news from them.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi He Peng,
I think, I have to discuss this scenario with our Developer Team first. As far as I concern, the serviceURL is not meant to be used in that scenario, where it has a querystring on it.
However, I will let you know after I discuss this with our Developer team. I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Forgive me, however, I am not able to replicate the issue of yours. I have try to put a break in a page load, and it only be called once at the first time. But when we clicked on the ASP.Net button, it will execute the page load again.
So, in my case, the page load is executed once only at the first time. Attached is a simple sample using WebFlyPostBackManager in a WebForm mode. Kindly try and insert a break point on the page load, see if this sample also execute the page load twice on the first time.
Perhaps, I am missing something. Could you modify the sample so that it will replicate the scenario of yours. I hope it helps, thank you and have a nice day.
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