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Hi Brad,
Usually it will take more than one day to hear news from our Development Team. I will notice you as soon as possible when I heard news from them. Thank you and have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Hi Cristian,
Could you give me more detail information about "open a Template in WebTextEditor"? Does it mean that you have a textEditor as an iFrame? I am having a problem to do your scenario. Is is possible to provide me with a simple running sample that replicate the issue of yours?
Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Yousif,
Yes, if you use that method, we will need to use space instead of just "". My javascript solution should meet the scenario of yours. Here, I attached you a screenshot of my sample.
Hi John,
I have tried your scenario using a simple HTML button. I have tried that particular scenatio using this block of code
function Button1_onclick() { ISGetObject("WebGrid1").ChartSettings.Set("ChartType", "Bar", true); ISGetObject("WebGrid1").ChartSettings.SeriesBarSettings.Set("Type", "StackedBar", true) ISGetObject("WebGrid1").Refresh(); }
I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Tim,
Usually, with that particular kind of error, it happends when you have entered a wrong license key. One, may be, instead of license key, you have entered a run-time license key. Secondly, this is occured because you have entered a wrong lincese key for a different version.
So, please ensure that you use a right version for that specific license key. Also, may I know your OS environment please? Does it run on Windows 32 or 64 bits? Also , ensure that you have used a right .dll file version in your bin project's folder.
HI Vincenzo,
Yes, after double check, sorry for the mistaken. Currently, we have released WebScheduler 3.0.1000.4. However, I have attached you the latest build. Kindly, use and try the scenario of yours. It should be working just fine.
Hi Madhavan,
Just like my collague, I am having a problem to replicate the issue of yours. I have tried your scenario and everything works just fine. Perhaps, we are missing something.
Could you provide us with a running sample (using Northwind database) and replicate the issue? Thank you and have a nice day.
Could you kindly try this workaround? I have tried use this and the vertical line is not showing anymore. And please ensuer that you are not using the <Text Setting> <TextItem> again to remove the "Grid has not row". Here is the snippet:
setTimeout(function() { ISGetObject("WebGrid2").FrameObj.childNodes[2].childNodes[1].innerText = ""; }, 50);
I hope it can helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
I have forwared this to our Developer team. I will inform you as soon as I get news from them. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Vibhore,
I have tried your scenario with our "Orders" table from Northwind database, and grouping performace only take a couple seconds to expand and collapse the row.
However, here is the snippet to perform expand the group row from client side:
function Button1_onclick() { var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); grid.GetRootTable().GetGroupRows()[1].ExpandGroupRow(); }
function Button1_onclick() { var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); grid.GetRootTable().GetGroupRows()[1].CollapseGroupRow(); }
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