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Hi Jean,
That error occurs because you have set the new query for that specific procedure. If you go back to our dsNorthwind.xsd, you will noticed in table of customer, there are two new query, those are GetDataBy and DeleteBy queries.
So, you could try to add those queries in your EventOrganize.xsd at Categories table. I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Hi Shawn,
It is weird then, I am having a problem to replicate the issue of yours. At first try, it is true that the OnInitializeDataSource is being called twice when I refreshed the grid from client side. However, when I added "Global.asax" file in my project, the OnInitializeDataSource is only being called once.
Is it possible to provide me with your Global.asax for me to investigate them? Or perhaps, you can try to create a new project with only one file in it. Summon WebGrid and try to do the exact scenario with an empty Global.asax in your project, see if that event is being called twice or once.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi David,
Attached is a simple sample using Northwind database under your scenario. However, in here, I have created a class object which created a check box object.
So before you run the project, please ensure to copy the .cs file into app_code folder in your project. I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Please ensure that you have add the "Global.asax" file in your root project. If we do not define the file, the ASP.NET page framwork assumes that we have not defined any application or session event handlers. You can right click on your root project, create a new file of Global.asax and just leave it blank.
In new Visual Studio 2010, I believe that, this file, "Global.asax" will be automatically included everytime we have created a new project.
I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Andi Santoso.
Hi Maged,
Thank you, however, I am having a difficulty to replicate the new issue in my end. Could you provide me with more details regarding this? Perhaps, steps to reproduce or send me a video would be great.
I have modified our sample WebGrid of "SendingCustomRequest.aspx" and hopefully, it will meet your scenario. Please kindly add and change that sample with the provided code. After modifed them, you can try to change row quickly and see that the WebGrid2 will also refreshing acording to the last select row in WebGrid1. Here is the snippet:
var status = true; function WebGrid1_OnRowSelect(gridId, tblName, rowIndex, rowElm) { var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); if (status == true) { var key = rowElm.keyValue; { grid.AddInput("key", key); grid.SendCustomRequest(); } status = false; return true; } else { return false; } } function WebGrid2_OnAfterResponseProcess(controlId, actionName, lastRequestObject, xmlResponseObject) { var txt = document.getElementById("ctl00_content_TextBox1"); var grid1 = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); var grid1SelectedObject = grid1.GetSelectedObject().ToRowObject(); var grid2 = ISGetObject("WebGrid2"); setTimeout(function() { if (grid1SelectedObject.KeyValue != txt.value) { txt.innerText = grid1SelectedObject.KeyValue; grid2.Refresh(); grid1.RootTable.GetRowByKeyValue(txt.value).Select(); } }, 200); status = true; return true; }
Hi Joao,
Could you provide me with more detail informations regarding this error? Becuase I am having a difficulty to replicate the error. When you clicked on the "Add new Event", does the error occur before showing the Editing Form?
Please also ensure that you have set the EditingForm URL for the WebScheduler. It would be much better help if you could provide us with a simple running sample that replicate the issue of yours for me to investigate them furthermore.
Hi Srikant,
What I meant is, at this moment, our WebScheduler only can edit the color for all days header. We cannot just set a different color for one particular day.
Hi Gaurav,
Actually, you can access our WebGrid property of SelectedRowStyle under Layout Settings and set the border to none. It will set the style of display to look like other rows.
I hope it helps and please let me know if it does not meet your scenario. Thank you and have a nice day.
Unfortunatelly, we do not support this feature yet. However, we only can set the color for all the days. So, it will set all the header of days style.
We can use WebScheduler property for this, the property is DayHeaderStyle. However, I have encountered a minor issue for this. And I have forwarded this to our Development Team.
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