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Hi Vincenzo,
I am able to replicate the issue of yours. I have forwarded this to our Developer team. I will inform you as soon as possible when I get news from them.
I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Hi Gao Yixin,
Attached is a notepad with all the methos inside it. You can simply use the same Java script code to implement them with the menu objects. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Dermot,
Sure, I will make sure to let you know as soon as possible when I get news from our Developer team. Thank you.
Hi Huzefa,
The work item regarding this issue is still under investigation of our Developer Team. However, I will keep follow them up and will inform you as soon as I get news from them. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Gao YiXin,
Yes, you can hide items of row context menu. In order to do so, we will need a client side event of OnRowContextMenu. It will passing the menu object. From there, it will show us a lot of items in there. Simply get the object's name and set hide for it.
Here is the snippet of code to hide the refresh menu:
function WebGrid1_OnRowContextMenu(controlId, rowType, rowElement, menuObject){ var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId); menuObject.Items.GetNamedItem("mnuRefresh").Hide(); return true; }
Hi Brad,
Yes, that might work. However, perhaps, we can pass a value to the template class and create a validation depends on the paramater's value. Please kindly take a look at my new sample of template column. See if it might help you.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Thank you for your detail information. I am able to replicate the issue right now. After I break them down, I noticed that IntegratedToDesktopManager is the main cause of this. I have tried to re-run your project with IntegratedToDesktopManager in WebDialogBox1 in your "Cancel_DialogBox.aspx" file removed, and the error is not persisted.
I have forwarded this to our developer team. In a mean while, perhaps, instead of set the style to be integrated, we can re-style them manually. I will inform you as soon as possible when I heard news from our developer team. I hope it helps.
I am having a problem to replicate the issue of yours. Here, I attached you a simple sample of WebDialogBox which has a cancel button in it. Could you kindly try to run them and see if the error is persisted in your end? However, for a better result, before you try the sample, perhaps you could update all the hotfix to the latest one from your UpdateManager.
Currently, I am using WebDesktop v3.0.7200.309. Could you provide me with your WebDesktop's build version please?
Yes, to add controls to a cell, we can only use a template column. In here, I attached you a simple sample on how to create a cell Template in code behind. Kindly take a look and see it might can help you.
In my opinion, it will be a better method to inherits a cell template from ITemplate and implements the instantiateIn method.
Hi Shawn,
If we do not include Global.asax, the session is not enabled automatically. That is why the InitializeDataSource is being called twice. I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
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