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Arun Iyer Member
of 4
Posted: February 1, 2012 12:44 PM

The bug report regarding this issue is still active, this mean the issue is still currently in the process of being fixed by the developer. Currently we do not have any estimation on when the fix will be finished. We will inform you if there is any update or progress regarding this issue.





Do you have any update on this?




Posted: December 9, 2011 7:30 AM
Hi Handy,

As I mentioned before this issue is reproducable without a master page or a you have any idea for that?

Posted: December 8, 2011 11:42 AM

Hi Hendrik,

We can't set the height to 500px because master page is used by other pages which doesn't have Grid.


Also we proved that this is nothing to do with the panel height by using a blank master page.


do you have any other solution ?






Posted: November 14, 2011 11:33 AM

Hi Hendrik,


Sorry probably I didn’t explain this well, please see the explanation below.

The software attached is as is working model, we have nearly 300 client using this product.

Since we were using grid6.x we couldn’t enable the xhtml support in our pages. Lately we were experimenting the grid 7 which has the xhtml support .


The following scenario is not working when we changed the doctype .

The setting of the grid is done in such a way that the scroll bar appears inside the grid, so we don’t use a scroll bar in the browser. The screen shot attached(Fig 1.jpeg )shows the how the data is loaded currently.


When we changed the doctype to XHTML, see how the screen looks now (Fig 2.jpeg).

The scroll bar is not coming for the grid, but the browser scroll bar is appearing.


The other problem with this is, it change the existing working model of load on demand, when we scroll down automatically the grid load the next 50 records, since we don’t have the grid scroll bar this feature is not working.see (Fig3.jpeg)


Can you please help us here and tell us what we are doing wrong or if any workaround for this


We have almost 80 pages in the system which uses similar concept

Please see attached sourcecode which has the sample we worked out.





Posted: December 17, 2010 9:33 AM



So found what is happening.the text is wraping for all fields but not for the ExpandColumnMemeber column (eg:"title" ).


<SelfReferencingSettings ExpandColumnMember="title" ChildDataMember="parent_id" ParentDataMember="id" Enabled="true" />

any way to wrap this column?this is a critical issue for us.




Posted: December 16, 2010 5:47 AM


It's not working for me in self reference grids

my version of ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.dll is 6.0.7200.215.


was this implemented recenlty in the product?


Posted: March 1, 2010 10:17 AM

Hi Handy,

Did you guys get a chance to have a look at this.

I am getting huge amount of pressure here, just give usa work around till you guys get some fix



Posted: February 26, 2010 5:51 AM



It's not number of rows.its when the actual data is large.we tried 35k rows.i can clearly see the cache file not getting creats when the data is less.

We can't use custom paging and custom virtual load now because we have many page which need a change to implement this.

Can u try to replicate with large data? i can't sent you a sample application because the issue is happening in actual  live client data. 

Any quick solution will be much appreciated.




Posted: February 23, 2010 2:29 PM

Hi Handy,

Thanks for the update.

We have limited the query string length.But we have found a new issue happening now.

The issue is when data  exceeds  an amount(it’s not row count),  cache files(cache file size more than 67 MB) are not  getting created on the location configured in CacheServerConnection property.We use

DataCacheStorage="fileserver" for loading grid. Since the cache files are not created, ‘load more’ and export fails.

="fileserver" for loading grid.

DataCacheStorage="fileserver" for loading grid. Since the cache files are not created, ‘load more’ and export fails.

Any solution for for why the cache files are not getting created when data size is huge?.Many  of our clients are facing this issue.Please respond as quick as possible.




Posted: February 4, 2010 6:26 AM

Thanks Handy

One thing i noticed is each and evreytime you scroll, it loads data from 1 to RequestedRows (as it uses top)

is their anyway we can specify the Range say 1- 100 first time and then 101-200

I did try this way, but since it goes to the IntializeDatasource for each call, it loses the previous set of data loaded.

Is this possible, this will elimate the no. of records binding each time, also in the sample i gave, change the VirtualPageSize to 2000, you will see that after 3 scrolls it takes double the time for each load.

Change the SQL Squery to the following

WITH lo AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID) AS ROW, * FROM lotable WHERE parent_learning_object IS NULL)
SELECT * FROM lo WHERE Row BETWEEN " & _from & " AND " & _to & ";"



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