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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
grid.LayoutSettings.FreezePaneSettings.ActiveFrozenColumns = columnPos;grid.FreezePane(true);
I do this through a new column context menu item. It calls a function with these two lines of code.
In the image attached, you'll notice there are two lines for the freeze column. Any idea why?
However, later on when I refresh the page, and look on the server side at that property it is still 2. Why is that?
var grid = ISGetObject('myGrid'); var settings = ""; for (var i = 0; i < grid.RootTable.Columns.length; i++) { if (settings.length != 0 && i < grid.RootTable.Columns.length) { settings += "," } settings += grid.RootTable.Columns[i].Name + ":" + grid.RootTable.Columns[i].Width + "px:" + grid.RootTable.Columns[i].Visible; }
parent.aspxfunction openPopup() { // I'm not using showModalDialog anymore. I'm using the JQuery ColorBox plugin, but I am adding this code as an explanation var returnObj = window.showModalDialog(URL, args, "edge:Raised;scroll:no;help:no;status:no;center:yes;resizable:no;dialogHeight:350px;dialogWidth:600px;dialogLeft:48px;dialogTop:50px;"); var grid = ISGetObject(myGrid); var columnSettings = returnObj.newColumnSettings.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < columnSettings.length; i++) { var settingTokens = columnSettings[i].split(":"); if (settingTokens[1] == "SHOW") { if (!grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).Visible) { grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).Visible = true; grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).Show(); } } else if (settingTokens[1] == "HIDE") { if (grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).Visible) { grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).Visible = false; grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).HideFromView(); } } } wgDoResize(true, true); // this call posts back to the server so I can the new grid layout refreshPage(); }
Now...the popup
function closeWindow(callbackParams) { // call back params is an object in this case looks like {message: "some message", newColumnSettings: "a,comma,delim,string" } parent.modalCallback(callbackParams); }
Hans,It seems there is another issue with this approach...When I try to execute the following code in the JS, I always get a JS error as listed below. It seems to always break on either Show() or HideFromView();Any ideas?
TypeError: va7744 is null[Break On This Error] ...30); if (ve2630.tagName =="TR" ||ve2630.tagName =="TD") return wgab058.m3c386(ve... ISRes....7200533 (line 9)
var grid = ISGetObject(myGrid); var columnSettings = returnObj.newColumnSettings.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < columnSettings.length; i++) { var settingTokens = columnSettings[i].split(":"); if (settingTokens[1] == "SHOW") { if (!grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).Visible) { grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).Visible = true; grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).Show(); } } else if (settingTokens[1] == "HIDE") { if (grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).Visible) { grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).Visible = false; grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(settingTokens[0]).HideFromView(); } } } wgDoResize(true, true);
I'm passing in a string that looks like colName:SHOW,colName:HIDE,colName:SHOW. I've confirmed that the strings are being split correctly as well.
<script type="text/javascript">function removeColumn(colName) { var grid = ISGetObject(gridName); var col = grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedITem(colName); // How can I do this step? col.Visible = false; // here I would like to create a post back to the server so I can do some modification to my column list on the server side. refreshPage(); } </script>
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