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Tomislav Mesaric Member
of 2

Since WebGrid 8 you are you are not copying text of cell directly to value, but if its date you are goin Value= new Date(cellText).

And that doesnt works well with hr-hr culture.

Hi, can you send me your entire sample project.

Cant you just put that piece of code inside try-catch block?

thanks for help .
Hi, i also encountred that kind of an issue.

Windows server 2008 r2, 64 bit.
Using webgrid 8.0.7200.258.
Browser is IE11, document mode 5, User agent string default.
Also tested in user agent default string, document mode 8.
User agent ie8, document mode 8.

Application pool setup

I am running application through IIS.

Registry has no key with xceed in it.
Nevron chart engine wasnt installed, since there is no sharepoint.

<iswebgrid:WebGrid ID="WebGrid1" runat="server" UseDefaultStyle="true" DefaultStyleMode="Win7"        AllowPivotCharting="true" ChartMode="InteractiveUI">        <LayoutSettings ShowColumnAction="true" AutoFilterSuggestion="true" AllowSelectColumns="Yes"            AllowGrouping="Yes" AllowEdit="No" ColumnFooters="No" HeaderClickAction="SortMulti"            AllowAddNew="No" AllowColumnSizing="Yes" ColumnHeaders="Yes" HideColumnsWhenGrouped="No"
            AllowSorting="Yes" AllowFilter="Yes" RowHeaders="Yes" AllowColumnMove="Yes" AllowDelete="No"
            NewRowLostFocusAction="AlwaysPrompt" PagingMode="VirtualLoad" ApplyFiltersKey="Enter"
            GroupByBoxVisible="True" AllowExport="Yes" GroupRowInfoFormatDefault="[value]:([count])"
            AllowColumnFreezing="Yes" FreezePaneSettings-ShowInContextMenu="true" AlwaysShowHelpButton="false"
            AutoHeight="true" AutoWidth="true" FreezePaneSettings-MaxFrozenColumns="4" FreezePaneSettings-AbsoluteScrolling="true"
            <TextSettings Language="UseCulture">
            <ClientSideEvents OnCellDblClick="OnCellDblClick"></ClientSideEvents>
        <ChartSettings ChartEngine="BuiltIn" ImageFormat="Png">
            <VisualEffectSettings ShapeRenderingMode="AntiAlias" EnableJittering="true" TextRenderingHint="AntiAliasGridFit" />
        <ChartInteractiveUI RibbonState="Shown">
            <ChartTypeRibbon Visible="true">
                <AreaType EnableBasic3DAreaType="false" EnableStacked3DAreaType="false" EnableStackedPercentage3DAreaType="false" />
                <BarType EnableBasic3DBarType="false" EnableClustered3DBarType="false" EnableStacked3DBarType="false"
                    EnableStackedPercentage3DBarType="false" />
                <ColumnType EnableBasic3DColumnType="false" EnableStacked3DColumnType="false" EnableClustered3DColumnType="false"
                    EnableStackedPercentage3DColumnType="false" />
                <DoughnutType EnableBasic3DDoughnutType="false" EnableExploded3DDoughnutType="false" />
                <LineType EnableBasic3DLineType="false" EnableBasic3DLineWithMarkersType="false"
                    EnableOverlapped3DLineType="false" EnableStacked3DLineType="false" EnableStackedPercentage3DLineType="false"
                    EnableStackedPercentage3DLineWithMarkersType="false" EnableOverlapped3DLineWithMarkersType="false"
                    EnableOverlappedLineWithMarkersType="false" EnableStacked3DLineWithMarkersType="false" />
                <PieType EnableBasic3DPieType="false" EnableExploded3DPieType="false" EnableExplodedPieType="false" />
            <ShowOrHideRibbon ShowFieldList="true" Visible="true" />

Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.18408

Thanks, that code snippet did the thing.
Posted: March 28, 2012 7:31 AM

As far as i tested it, there is some problem with GetCheckedRows() function under master page.

Posted: March 28, 2012 7:18 AM

I have been able to find following problem on your rowchecker live demo.



1)      Live demo:


2)pick one row with rowchecker


3)Press „Get Checked Rows in server“ button


4)Now use rowchecker button for selecting all rows


Now rowchecker will work sluggish.

Posted: March 28, 2012 4:42 AM

Can you post me attachment with code sample from above mentioned example.

Posted: September 1, 2011 5:01 AM

Put html and body element to 100% height , no margins and try following code:


$(document).ready(function() {// set Content height on load



function() {// set Content height on window resize



function setHeight() {// set height of Content div, to fill the whole page

maxHeight = document.body.clientHeight;

var headerHeight = 0;if (document.getElementById("#HeaderContainer")) {headerHeight = $("#HeaderContainer").height();


"#ContentGridContainer").height(maxHeight - headerHeight - 1);



Put AutoHeight to false, and WebGrid height to 100%.

Put fix height fo HeaderContainer,for example Height="33px".

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