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Hi Shawn, Yes, when you use RetrieveHierachicalStructure, it will overrides all of them. You could simply remove the RetrieveHierachicalStructure from your code. If it is still not working, could you send a running simple sample for me to investigate it furtermore? Thank you and have a nice day.Best Regards,Andi Santoso
Hi Shawn,
Yes, when you use RetrieveHierachicalStructure, it will overrides all of them. You could simply remove the RetrieveHierachicalStructure from your code. If it is still not working, could you send a running simple sample for me to investigate it furtermore?
Thank you and have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Yes, I removed that line of code and no hierarchy exists. That's probably because I am not specifying a "ChildTable" on the ASPX. Can you modify that existing code you provided above to use the ASPX to display parent/child fields in hierarchy? I can use that for my example.
Hi Shawn, Not really, there are more than that. If you go to, you will see there are lot of enhancement being made in there. Thank you and have a nice day.Best Regards,Andi Santoso
Not really, there are more than that. If you go to, you will see there are lot of enhancement being made in there.
I made some progress. However, I still can't seem to figure out how to control the output. It seems like the WebGrid's RetrieveHierarchicalStructure method is the only way to get the WebGrid to display hierarchical data even though I am specifying the template on the ASPX side. I need to be able to control the UI of the parent/child fields. For example, here's the current ASPX for the parent. I need to be able to do the same for the child. However, it seems like the RetrieveHierarchicalStructure property overrides this. Please help.
<RootTable Caption="Transactions"> <Columns> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="" DataMember="TransactionHeaderID" DataType="System.String" EditType="NoEdit" Name="TransactionHeaderID" Width="0px" Visible="false" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption=" " Name="TreatyProcessButton" DataMember="" HiddenDataMember="TransactionHeaderID" DataType="System.String" Width="65px" ButtonText="Treaty Process" ColumnType="Template" EditType="NoEdit" NewRowEditType="NoEdit" Bound="true"> <ButtonStyle BackColor="AliceBlue"> <Padding Top="2px" Left="1px" Right="1px" Bottom="1px" /> </ButtonStyle> <CellTemplate> <img runat="server" id="imgTreatyProcess" name="imgTreatyProcess" src="~/Images/Buttons/process_off.gif" alt="Process the treaty" border="0" style="padding-top: 1px;" onclick="javascript:treatyProcess();" onmouseout="javascript:MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="javascript:MM_swapImage(,'','../../Images/Buttons/process_on.gif',1)" /> </CellTemplate> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="" FilterEditType="NoEdit" ColumnType="Image" EditType="NoEdit" Name="imgTreatyProcess" Width="20px" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Status" DataMember="TransactionHeaderStatusID" FilterEditType="DropdownList" EditType="NoEdit" Name="TransactionHeaderStatusID" Width="100px" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Treaty" DataMember="TreatyID" FilterEditType="TextBox" DataType="System.String" EditType="NoEdit" Name="TreatyID" Width="100px" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Transaction" DataMember="TransactionTypeName" FilterEditType="DropdownList" DataType="System.String" EditType="NoEdit" Name="TransactionTypeName" Width="100px" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Transaction Description" DataMember="TransactionHeaderDescription" FilterEditType="TextBox" DataType="System.String" EditType="NoEdit" Name="TransactionHeaderDescription" Width="200px" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Assigned To" DataMember="AssignedTo" FilterEditType="TextBox" DataType="System.String" EditType="NoEdit" Name="AssignedTo" Width="100px" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Assigned On" DataMember="AssignedOn" FilterEditType="CalendarCombo" DataType="System.DateTime" EditType="NoEdit" Name="AssignedOn" Width="100px" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Created By" DataMember="CreatedBy" FilterEditType="TextBox" DataType="System.String" EditType="NoEdit" Name="CreatedBy" Width="100px" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Created On" DataMember="CreatedOn" FilterEditType="CalendarCombo" DataType="System.DateTime" EditType="NoEdit" Name="CreatedOn" Width="100px" /> </Columns> </RootTable>
disclaimer on: Any feedbacks will be highly appreciated if encountered any issue regarding this build. I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.Best Regards,Andi Santoso
disclaimer on: Any feedbacks will be highly appreciated if encountered any issue regarding this build.
I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
I'm testing now. We are using WebGrid.dll version 7.0.7200.306 but this new version is 7.0.7200.403. Is the fix referred to above the only change?
Hi Shawn, Forgive me for MIA, we had a couple days off last week. I think, I will do need more time to investigate this scenario. I have also forwarded this to our Developer team. Thank you for being patience. I hope it helps and I will inform you as soon as I get a news from them. Best Regards, Andi Santoso
Forgive me for MIA, we had a couple days off last week. I think, I will do need more time to investigate this scenario. I have also forwarded this to our Developer team.
Thank you for being patience. I hope it helps and I will inform you as soon as I get a news from them.
Can I get an update?
Hi Shawn, Forgive me, I think that I will need to have more time to investigate this scenario of yours. I will try my best to give you the solution on the next day. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you and have a nice day. Best Regards, Andi Santoso
Forgive me, I think that I will need to have more time to investigate this scenario of yours. I will try my best to give you the solution on the next day. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you and have a nice day.
Any update on this? I am surprised this seems to be a special request. Any solution where the UI interacts directly with the database violates n-tiered application design. Furthermore, using custom strongly typed objects is a very favorable design approach.
I really appreciate the help.
Or please let me know if there is another way. The most important is that it's custom strongly typed objects.
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