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Riendy Setiadi Member
of 19

Hello Jennifer,

Yes, I have seen your sample and I got a same issue just like you. I also have forwarded this issue to development team for further investigation. I will let you know when I get any updates from them.

Thank you for your patience.

Hello Jennifer,

LINQ is one of the example that we can use. Fortunately, I use LINQ. We can use any other way to bind data in ClientBinding. For another sample, I have attached another simple sample using dataset. In this sample, I am not validate the data yet, so WebCombo just retreive all data from dataset. 

As far as I know, WebCombo MultipleSelection feature is created just like multipleSelection in MS outlook. So it can't handle MultipleSelection with drop down, but if you want, you can create a feature request for this feature.

Hope this helps.

Hi Roger,

It is depend on element in your project template. So for the other case/project, you may use more  or less childNodes[0] code to set the column header.


Hello Patrick,

Our developers has fixed your issue. You could get it on next hot fix released.

Thank you for your patience.

Hello Roger,

Sorry, I missed something there. The header column has changes, but there is not the right element to changed. Could you please change the codes bellow :

grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("CategoryID").GetElement(WG40.COLHEADER, WG             40.HTMLDIV).parentNode.childNodes[1].innerText = "Book Code";

to : 

 var table = grid.RootTable;
 var column= table.GetElement(WG40.COLHEADER, WG40.HTMLTABLE).childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0];
 column.innerText = "Book Code";     

It runs perfectly on my end. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you find another issue or question.

Thank you.

Hi Roger,

It is impossible to change the header columns in prepareDataBinding Event like that. WebGrid could read the code but cannot render it.
To change header column, I suggest you to set the inner text in column only on client side. You can remove your WebGrid PrepareDataBinding Event
, and then change the client side code with this following code:

 function ViewByType(type, thisControl) 
            var grid = ISGetObject("grid");

            document.all["hid_type"].value = type;

            thisControl.className = "HoverLinkSelected";

            if (type == '0') 
               document.getElementById("type_criterion").className = "HoverLinkNormalFontSize";
               // add this code to changes header column
               grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("CategoryID").GetElement(WG40.COLHEADER, WG                40.HTMLDIV).parentNode.childNodes[1].innerText = "ISBN Code";
            else {
                document.getElementById("type_book").className = "HoverLinkNormalFontSize";    
                // add this code to changes header column
                grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("CategoryID").GetElement(WG40.COLHEADER, WG                40.HTMLDIV).parentNode.childNodes[1].innerText = "Book Code";
} //remove this method //grid.Refresh(); }


Hope this helps.

Hi Krzysztof,

First of all, our time line to release the product 2011 R1 SP1 is this late night (US time). Hope there is no trouble to release it soon.
Regarding to your question "how to edit the entire template manually?", there is no example in our documentation which is describe it. Anyway, to disable the BatchUpdate, you can set it in viewModel, in example you can put the following code in construction product.xaml :

this.IsBatchUpdate = true; // to enable IsBatchUpdate
this.IsBatchUpdate = false; // to disable IsBatchUpdate 

Then to hide/remove the BatchUpdate, you can follow this steps (i.e delete IsBatchUpdate button in product.xaml) :

  1. right click on Product.xaml in Views folder then select Open in Expression Blend...
  2. Expression blend opened, then right click on grid/page and select Edit template then Edit a copy... Click OK button.
  3. It will create a UXGridViewStyle1 (UXgridViewTemplate).
  4. In Objects and Timeline, expand the following objects : Template-[Grid]-[UXBusyIndicator]-[Grid]-[Border]-Root-StatusBar-EditingCommandItem-[StackPanel]
  5. There are 2 [UXFlatButton], set the Visibility of each button on appearance property to collapsed.
  6. After the property applied collapsed to each [UXFlatButton], go back to visual studio by right clicking on product.xaml (in projects) and select Edit in Visual Studio.
  7. It will be back to VS, and then accept to reaload the page.
  8. BatchUpdate being disable now.
Please do not hesitate to ask me if you still have any question.

Hello Jennifer,

I could not reproduce your issue on my end because there is no WebService.asmx and database. But I attached a simple runable ClientBinding WebCombo sample with multiple selection. Please take a look at my attachment and do not hesitate to ask me in here if you still have another question about this.

Hope this helps.

Posted: June 15, 2011 6:08 AM

Hi Kevin,

I'm sorry for the latest respone, your project is on investigation. Did you create a password to access OP.pfx file ? I have a trouble when import OP.pfx key file. It would be very help for me.

Thank you.

Hello Jennifer,

Your issue is on investigation. I will let you know for an update soon.

Thank you for your patience.

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