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Dermot O'Sullivan Member
of 3

Hi Andi,

Thanks for you quick reply. I am currently using v3.0.7200.308. I donwloaded the latest host fix but it did not solve my issue. I have expanded the example you gave me to replicate the issue. In doing this what I have found is that the use of a webtab is what causes the error. In the example I have attached we use the webdesktop that has a WebDialogBox using Iframe. The ContentUrl points to a page that has a WebTab also using IFrame. The first tab hosts an aspx  page that has a cancel button on it. If you click the cancel button you will be able to replicate the issue we have. When I bypassed the webtab page through the webdialogbox ContentUrl, the error did not materialise. But we need the webtab for our application so this is not a solution. Hope this information helps in solving the issue.



Posted: April 26, 2010 6:14 AM

Hi Andi,

Thanks for your reply. We need the windows to be resizable so the above is not an option. I have attached a simple website as requested, with one page that will automatically launch from the default.aspx page. The page contains a number of webinputs used as date lookups. These work perfectly until the user resizes the window. At this point they stop working and cant be dropped down. I have found issues with the WebMenu, WebCombo, WebInput, WebCoverFlow and WebGrid. I assume it may be an issue across the board.



Posted: April 16, 2010 2:35 PM


Just reading this thread. I am using the Web Grid 7 and was going to use the  modpopupextender also. I also changed the doctype to xhtml and grid size which was set to 100% went wrong. The columns also looked like they were over lapping slightly. The webmenu also had issue with the sizing of the images. I have since changed my code to use the WebDialogBox and the doctype. I am just highlighting this issue so your development team are aware of it.



Posted: March 25, 2010 8:04 AM

Hi Handy,

Thanks for your reply. I downloaded your example and ran it but it still produces the same output. I have attached a html version of the output and as you can see the CategoryID : 1 is displayed instead of the expected CategoryID : 1 and  Total : CountValue.  

The version of the WebGrid.dll that we are using is 6.0.7200.209

Any further help with this would be greatly appreciated.



Posted: March 23, 2010 12:23 PM

Hi Handy,

In the example metioned in the link that I attached in the the previous post. The person asking the question wanted to display the value only eg Invoice instead of Document Type : Invoice. The way of acheivng this in the grid is through the following line of code.

wgDocuments.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("DocumentTypeName").GroupRowInfoFormat =   "[value]";

But this did not carry through to the export. The person was prompted to put in the following code and  they responded at the end of the thread by saying

In my VB code I added:

WebGrid1.RootTable.GroupedColumns(0).GroupRowValueFormatString = "[value]"

and it works!

It looks like there are bugs regarding doing this any other way.

What I wish to acheive is something like this, to set subtotals in my export. 

I can set the sub totals in the grid to be displayed with the following line of code

wgDocuments.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("DocumentTypeName").GroupRowInfoFormat =   "Document Type: [value] - Total: [sum(Amount)]";

An example of the output in the grid is 

 Document Type : Invoice - 1000.53

What I want is to set this to be part of the export. The code that I took to be correct from the previous thread is

protected void wgDocuments_InitializePostBack(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.PostbackEventArgs e)
    if (wgDocuments.RootTable.GroupedColumns[0] != null)
        wgDocuments.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("DocumentTypeName").GroupRowInfoFormat =   "Document Type: [value] - Total: [sum(Amount)]";
        wgDocuments.RootTable.GroupedColumns[0].GroupRowValueFormatString = "Document Type: [value] - Total: [sum(Amount)]";


But this does not work. Can you explain what I am doing wrong. I hope this brings clarity to what I am asking you.



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