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Dermot O'Sullivan Member
of 3
Posted: June 17, 2010 4:46 PM
Posted: June 17, 2010 12:58 PM


A follow on from the above question, I have noticed that I can get all the current complex imagesfrom the folder "C:\Program Files\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\CommonLibrary\Images\WebDesktop". So I have copied this folder to the images folder in my WebSite. I have now changed the ImagesDirectory on the WebDesktopManager to point to this new folder and changed one of the images but it is not loading this new image. It seems to load in the images from  address mentioned above. How do I get the images to load from my custom folder.



Posted: June 4, 2010 4:14 AM

Thanks very much Handy, our persistance paid off. That solved the issue.

Posted: June 3, 2010 7:57 AM

Hi Handy,

I have attached a recording of the issue. It doesnt look like you missed anything. I follow the same instructions as you followed in your video. I have also attached the project again with my dlls that I am using just incase they are different. Are you also using IE8? 

Thanks for all your time and help with this issue. 



Posted: June 3, 2010 4:28 AM

Hi Handy,

I downloaded the hot fix 752 and I still have this issue. I reckon the shadowing must be to do with EnableDropShadow being set to true on the webdialogbox, you could try setting this to false. Not using IntegratedWebDesktopManager property does not solve the issue either.  Beyond this, there is nothing else I can add if you cannot replicate this issue.

Thanks for your help,


Posted: June 2, 2010 6:34 AM

Hi Handy,

The versions are as follows

 ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.dll = 4.0.7200.219

ISNet.dll = 3.0.5000.751

ISNet.WebUI = 3.0.5000.751



Hi Yudi,

Thanks for your reply, Yes it means EnableDropShadow. I have set this to true. I have tried to put together a demo probject to demonstrate this issue to you. But I cant replicate it either in my demo project. I can only replicate this in my actual project. It is not a major issue for me at the moment as it only happens in one scenario. If it becomes a bigger issue, I will look at trying to produce a demo project with the issue but for now I will close this thread. 



Posted: May 31, 2010 4:31 AM

Hi Handy

I am using WebDesktop 3_0_7200 build version 308 when replicating this issue. I also doewnloaded the latest 3_0_7200 build version 309 hot fix and I can still replicate the issue. I am using IE8. Also be sure to drag the web dialog box down to the bottom of the web desktop otherwise the issue will not occurr. Hopefully this help you recreate the issue.



Posted: May 28, 2010 12:28 PM

Hi Handy,

Thanks for your quick response. I have attached a sample as requested. When the default page loads a WebDialogBox will show up containing your contentWithCombo.aspx page. When you use the webcombo from the position it loads at, it works. After this move the webDialogBox closer to the end of the web desktop and again use the WebCombo. You will see the issue. I have also attached a screen shot.

Thanks again,


Hi Andi, 

Thanks for your reply. I have looked into the  setting IntegratedToDesktopManager to false. This does solve the error but by making these changes we break some other functionality we have written. I call a single WebDialogBox from the multiple places through out my application. I use an Iframe to load in different pages. When I set the IntegratedToDesktopManager to false, the previously loaded page appears before the new page is loaded in. This does not look good. This does not happen when IntegratedToDesktopManager is set to true.

I will hold off in making the change you recommended as the issue I have mentioned above will be considered greater in serverity than the initial issue. 

Please let me know once a timeline is available from your developers to fix the inital bug I logged.

Thanks again,


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