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Hi Glenn
I use default sample from SP1 and I have also tested with your attached sample, but it does not work unfortunately.
I am quite sure that I use the current dll, because I use the following new scenario:
WebGrid now supports various foreign column name in child and parent table when Hierarchical feature is enabled.
What could be the problem?
Hi Handy
I have installed SP1, but it doesn't work in my development environment.
Operating System Windows 2008 Server
Dev Environment: Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2008
.NET Version: .NET Framework 3.5
UnitID.ValueList.DataSource = ds;
I set cellstyle programmatically in PrepareDataBinding Event.
I suspect the column losts HorizontalAlign because it is coded in Page.IsPostBack .
protected void grd_PrepareDataBinding(object sender, DataSourceEventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { WebGridColumn eID = grd.RootTable.Columns[0]; eID.Caption = "ID"; eID.Width = Unit.Pixel(250); eID.EditType = EditType.NoEdit; eID.Visible = QS.Roles.isQSAdmin; eID.IsAutoIncrement = true; WebGridColumn eName = grd.RootTable.Columns[1]; eName.Caption = "Bezeichnung"; eName.Width = Unit.Pixel(500); WebGridColumn eHide = grd.RootTable.Columns[2]; eHide.Caption = "Ausblenden"; eHide.Width = Unit.Pixel(80); eHide.CellStyle.HorizontalAlign = ISNet.WebUI.HorizontalAlign.Center; eHide.ColumnType = ColumnType.CheckBox; eHide.EditType = EditType.Checkbox; WebGridColumn eManuallyErrorDependencies = grd.RootTable.Columns[3]; eManuallyErrorDependencies.Caption = "MED"; eManuallyErrorDependencies.Width = Unit.Pixel(50); eManuallyErrorDependencies.EditType = EditType.NoEdit; eManuallyErrorDependencies.DefaultValue = "0"; eManuallyErrorDependencies.Visible = QS.Roles.isQSAdmin; WebGridColumn eDependencies = new WebGridColumn("Dependencies", "Ref"); eDependencies.ColumnType = ColumnType.Text; eDependencies.EditType = EditType.NoEdit; eDependencies.Width = Unit.Pixel(30); eDependencies.NewRowEditType = NewRowEditType.NoEdit; eDependencies.CellStyle.HorizontalAlign = ISNet.WebUI.HorizontalAlign.Center; eDependencies.CellStyle.VerticalAlign = ISNet.WebUI.VerticalAlign.Middle; grd.RootTable.Columns.Insert(0, eDependencies); } }
So I have change Code to this:
protected void grd_PrepareDataBinding(object sender, DataSourceEventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { grd.ClearCachedDataSource(); grd.RetrieveHierarchicalStructure(); lblTitle.Text = "Fehlerliste"; imgTitle.ImageUrl = "~/Image/Icon/24/document_error.png"; WebGridColumn eRef = new WebGridColumn("Dependencies", "Ref"); grd.RootTable.Columns.Insert(0, eRef); } WebGridColumn eDependencies = grd.RootTable.Columns[0]; eDependencies.ColumnType = ColumnType.Text; eDependencies.EditType = EditType.NoEdit; eDependencies.Width = Unit.Pixel(30); eDependencies.NewRowEditType = NewRowEditType.NoEdit; eDependencies.CellStyle.HorizontalAlign = ISNet.WebUI.HorizontalAlign.Center; eDependencies.CellStyle.VerticalAlign = ISNet.WebUI.VerticalAlign.Middle; WebGridColumn eID = grd.RootTable.Columns[1]; eID.Caption = "ID"; eID.Width = Unit.Pixel(250); eID.EditType = EditType.NoEdit; eID.Visible = QS.Roles.isQSAdmin; eID.IsAutoIncrement = true; WebGridColumn eName = grd.RootTable.Columns[2]; eName.Caption = "Bezeichnung"; eName.Width = Unit.Pixel(500); WebGridColumn eHide = grd.RootTable.Columns[3]; eHide.Caption = "Ausblenden"; eHide.Width = Unit.Pixel(80); eHide.CellStyle.HorizontalAlign = ISNet.WebUI.HorizontalAlign.Center; eHide.ColumnType = ColumnType.CheckBox; eHide.EditType = EditType.Checkbox; WebGridColumn eManuallyErrorDependencies = grd.RootTable.Columns[4]; eManuallyErrorDependencies.Caption = "MED"; eManuallyErrorDependencies.Width = Unit.Pixel(50); eManuallyErrorDependencies.EditType = EditType.NoEdit; eManuallyErrorDependencies.DefaultValue = "0"; eManuallyErrorDependencies.Visible = QS.Roles.isQSAdmin; }
Now Columnwith (Columnheader and Column) are not match. Please see attached file.
How can I do this?
Thanks James!
Hi James
I want refresh date before I check Dependencies. I have add grd.Refresh()
Now I get sometimes following Message:
Please wait while WebGrid is in progress processing request...
Is refresh performed asynchronously? Is there a way to refresh data first?
function grd_OnAcceptAllChanges(controlId) { var grd = ISGetObject(controlId); grd.Refresh(); var DelChanges = grd.GetChanges("Deleted"); for (var i in DelChanges) { if (DelChanges[i].Row.GetCell("Dependencies").Value != "0") { DelChanges[i].Row.UndoChanges(); alert("Row can't be deleted: " + DelChanges[i].Row.GetCell("Name").Value); } } return true; }
The user should not be able to delete some rows.
I will check this before the data is sent to the database. Has User deleted a row which has Dependencies (e.g. foreign key constraint), I will undo changes (for this row only).
With ClientSideEvent "OnBeforeDelete" I could inform User by realtime. But this Event is not fired in Batch Update mode. Therefore, I inform the user on OnAcceptAllChanges Event.
'Vertical line' issue is only visible on DefaultStyleMode = DefaultStyleKind.Elegant
Now, I use ClientSideEvent OnAcceptAllChanges. Perhaps, somebody knows a better way
function grd_OnAcceptAllChanges(controlId) { var grd = ISGetObject(controlId); var DelChanges = grd.GetChanges("Deleted"); for (var i in DelChanges) { if (DelChanges[i].Row.GetCell("Dependencies").Value != "0") { DelChanges[i].Row.UndoChanges(); } } return true; }
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