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Mark Davison Member
of 2
Posted: February 18, 2011 1:04 PM

Hi Yudi,

Thank you so much for taking the time to create that sample. It is perfect, exactly what I needed to see.





Posted: February 11, 2011 10:26 AM



Ok, so at the risk of straying into general silverlight concepts, do you have an example of being able to have glasslabel bound to a property in a ViewModel and then updating this from a silverlight page embedded in a UXFrame?





Posted: February 10, 2011 5:46 AM

I have worked this out. I can use the following:


         Dim frame As UXFrame = UXFrame.GetPrimaryNavigator(Me.GetRootVisual)
        Dim glTitle = frame.FindNameDeep("SampleControl2")
glTitle.Content = "A new title"

Posted: February 10, 2011 5:44 AM

Hi Handy,

I was just about to download your sample as I now also need to have the user double click on a row and to have a page loaded into a WebDialogBox.

Can you post your sample again or post another sample which demonstrates how to do this?




Posted: February 9, 2011 10:43 AM

Hi Handy / Jimmy,


Thank you for the replies and for the sample. This is certainly useful.


My solution currently uses a hidden "grid". When the user double clicks a row, the list is hidden and the new grid is revealed. I have then implemented a "Back to list" button.

I suspect that I have missed a trick in not allowing the browser back button to take the user back to the list but it actually works very well. If I need to figure out how to get the browser back button to actually go back to the list then I will raise this with you again.

For now, everything is working just fine.



Posted: January 15, 2011 4:53 AM

Hi Jimmy,

I will read the MVVM design pattern information you have linked to.

Many thanks for the reply. This is further complicated in that we have our application defined in XML files. This means that for a any list displayed in the application, we first need to read the defining XML file. This then gives us the stored procedure to call and the params to pass into it. The SP then returns a dataset. The XML file also tells me the colums to display in the list and the format of the colums etc. This is a really great solution as it allows our application to be easily extended by non-programmers in our organisation as we have written an interface over the XML files to allow them to be maintained within the application itself.

So, I need to be able to dynamically build the list structure then dynamically bind it to the data.

Is this something which would be achievable with any of your grid / data presenter controls? This will be a real show stopper if I cannot work out how to dynamically build and bind. My impression is that silverlight likes to have knowledge of the database and I am struggling to find any examples of this kind of dynamic building and binding.

We will also need to do the same thing with detail pages but this is easier as I can generate a XML stream on the server and send it to the silverlight client app to parse so that I can dynamically build the detail forms.




Posted: August 5, 2010 10:18 AM


We have set up an account on our server so you can see the problem yourself. Can you let me have your email address so we can send you the login details?




Posted: July 28, 2010 3:49 AM



My local intranet settings are already set to Medium-Low and I have turned the pop-up blocker off altogether. I am still getting the problem.


The message now reads: "The report window is currently blocked by the browser's pop-up blocker feature. Please disable pop-up blocker for this site or click on the Information Bar and allow the file download."


Again, this only happens for PDF, XML and TEXT options i.e. it seems to be any report that opens in another browser window. Excel works fine.





Posted: March 10, 2010 6:30 AM

Hi Andi,


Thanks for the reply. I decided another way to implement this was to change the paging mode dynamically so that I basically refresh the grid and set:

.PagingMode = PagingMode.None
.StatusBarVisible = False

Then I wait on the client for the grid to reload and walk through all the rows setting the checkbox on. Seems to work really well.




Posted: February 9, 2010 6:35 AM

Hi Handy,


I have tracked down the problem to the fact that I need to use EnableTriStateCheckBox


Is there a way to make the checkboxes readonly when this setting is enabled?





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