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Unfortunately, I am just using checkbox.
Any other ideas?
Sorry Yudi,
I am not using a WebCombo. I'm using a dropdown list object. ( EditType="DropdownList")
How can I do this with a dropdown?
OK, I may have found somthing which works for me.
I have found that the values held for the drop down list are stored somewhere in the current page in a <select where the id for the object is <gridname>_<tablename>_<columnname>. I can then acess this in jQuery and get the text value with the following.
// assume that the select object on the webpage is named grid1_table1_mycolumn
// assume that the value of the cell is held in the cellValue variable.
var dropdownTextValue = $("#grid1_table1_mycolumn option[value='" + cellValue + "']").text();
Ok, this seems to work. Now I have another question.
What event is tied to when the user make a change to a cell (let's say they selected an option in a drop down list)? I also have to see that if they selected a specific option in the dropdown to not allow editing for certain columns....
This doesn't work for me. Let's assume that I do not want to use the OnEnterEditMode because people can enter the edit mode if they want so it would be called in multiple instances.
Let's say in javascript I have the value for the dropdown. I obviously know the grid and column I'm working with.
How can I get to the list of values/text values for the dropdown?
I've tried grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("site").ValueList but there is no data to be pulled. It's DataRetrieved attribute is false.
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